Central Polution Control Board
S No.DivisionTitleDate of issueCategory Click To View
1Hindi Divisionमाननीय संसदीय राजभाषा समिति द्वारा केंद्रीय बोर्ड के राजभाषा निरीक्षण किए जाने से संबंधित प्रश्‍नावली की पर्यावरण मंत्रालय द्वारा की गई समीक्षा का अनुपालन के बाबत18-11-2024Memorandum  1.35 MB
2Admn.(C)Circular regarding Health Awareness Talk on 14.11.2024 in CPCB11-11-2024Circular  380.42 KB
3F&A DivisionForm 12BB for Submission of Income Details & proof of savings for the Financial Year 2024-202504-11-2024Office Order  845.44 KB
4F&A DivisionCircular regarding Income Tax Deduction from salaries during the F.Y. 2024-2504-11-2024Circular  1.14 MB
5MoEF&CCShri Naresh Pal Gangwar, IAS (RJ : 1994) has been assigned the additional charge of the post of Chairman, CPCB01-11-2024Office Order  266.55 KB
6Admn.(P)Circular Regarding Completion of Service Books by the newly joined officials30-10-2024Circular  192.49 KB
7Admn.(P)त्यौहारों पर जनता से उपहार/कीमती वस्तुएं आदि स्वीकार करना अनादरपूर्वक होने के संबंध में परिपत्र29-10-2024Office Order  180.94 KB
8Admn.(R)Circular regarding post retirement engagement of Retired CPCB employees on outsource and need basis.30-09-2024Circular  64.27 KB
9Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Ganesh Kumar Meena as MTS in CPCB24-09-2024Office Order  1,000.89 KB
10ETUCircular regarding online training programme for newly recruited laboratory officials during 26-27 September, 2024 23-09-2024Circular  717.89 KB
11Hindi Divisionसंयुक्‍त सचिव, पर्यावरण, वन एवं जलवायु परिवर्तन मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार हिंदी दिवस 2024 के उपलक्ष्‍य में की गई अपील के अनुपालन में परिपत्र।10-09-2024Circular  700.93 KB
12Hindi Divisionहिन्दी पखवाड़ा के संबंध में परिपत्र - 202405-09-2024Circular  1.15 MB
13Hindi Divisionहिंदी पखवाड़ा 2024 के आयोजन संबंधी परिपत्र07-08-2024Circular  1.15 MB
14ITCircular regarding Scanning of Computer Systems for Virus and Bot Infection08-07-2024Circular  399.24 KB
15Material DivisionOffice order for Physical verification of Fixed Assets, Furniture and Fixtures for the FY 2023-2404-07-2024Office Order  445.38 KB
16Material DivisionOffice order regarding physical verification of stationary, chemical/Glassware & Scientific Instrument/ Equipment for FY 2023-24 04-07-2024Office Order  395.48 KB
17Hindi Divisionसीपीसीबी हिन्दी ई-पत्रिका01-07-2024Circular  3.79 MB
18Material DivisionCircular for requirement of Laptop- regd 27-06-2024Circular  1.09 MB
19Hindi Divisionकार्यालय ज्ञापन -राजभाषा हिंदी के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबंधित तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट27-06-2024Memorandum  2.18 MB
20Admn.(P)Instructions regarding strict compliance of office timings26-06-2024Circular  117.99 KB
21Admn.(R)Regarding conducting typing test for the promotion of MTS & Sr. Attendent to LDC25-06-2024Memorandum  63.22 KB
22Admn.(R)Circular regarding post retirement engagement of Retired CPCB employees on outsourced basis for WQM-I Division 21-06-2024Circular  54.46 KB
23Admn.(R)To fill the Performa for Self Assessment by Smt. Dolly Kulshreshtha, Scientist B18-06-2024Memorandum  44.45 KB
24Admn.(R)Final Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.202414-06-2024Memorandum  1.68 MB
25Hindi Division12.06.2024 को पर्यावरण, वन और जलवायु परिवर्तन मंत्रालय की हिंदी कार्यशाला के लिए कार्यालय ज्ञापन10-06-2024Memorandum  397.72 KB
26Building DivisionOrder regarding Telephone facility of Sh. Avanish Nath Tripathi, Sr. LO29-05-2024Office Order  658.07 KB
27VigilanceCircular regarding Integrity Pledge22-05-2024Circular  88.62 KB
28Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Vipin Goel from the post of AACO to ACO10-05-2024Office Order  158.96 KB
29Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 officials from the post of Asst. to SO10-05-2024Office Order  172.17 KB
30Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 officials from the post of SLA to SSA10-05-2024Office Order  162.99 KB
31Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Chippada Jagdish Kumar from the post of Junior Technical to Technical Supervisor10-05-2024Office Order  154.91 KB
32Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 officials from the post of SO and ACO to Admin. Officer10-05-2024Office Order  171.72 KB
33Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Harish Chandra Maurya from the post of Steno. Gr-II to Steno. Gr-I10-05-2024Office Order  159.93 KB
34Admn.(P)Circular regarding Dos and Donts as per CCS (Conduct) Rules 09-05-2024Circular  569.86 KB
35Admn.(P)Circular regarding Punctuality and Decorum in Office premises06-05-2024Circular  106.71 KB
36Admn.(R)Final Seniority List in respect of all groups of Officers/officials (Non-FCS) working in Central Pollution Control Board as on 01-01-202403-05-2024Memorandum  1.53 MB
37Admn.(P)OM regarding APARs forms for the period from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.202418-04-2024Memorandum  1.33 MB
38F&A DivisionCircular for Deduction of Income Tax at source under section 192 of Income Tax Act for the FY-2024-2506-04-2024Circular  393.79 KB
39Admn.(R)Promotion of 19 Officers of CPCB from the post of Sc. D to Sc. E28-03-2024Office Order  364.74 KB
40Admn.(R)Order regarding extension of Fellowship of RA-III, RA-II, RA-I, SRF and JRF27-03-2024Office Order  190.20 KB
41Admn.(P)Officer Order regarding Transfer of Shri Vinay. Sc. B from IPC-IV Division21-03-2024Office Order  92.54 KB
42Admn.(R)Grant of extension in respect of the Temporary status Employees and Project Scientist-I of CPCB- Reg19-03-2024Circular  172.85 KB
43Material Divisionlnstructions for the purchase of laptops / notebooks and similar devices for eligible CPCB officers-revised guidelines19-03-2024Memorandum  266.64 KB
44Admn.(R)Inviting applications from retired employees - reg.13-03-2024Circular  59.83 KB
45Admn.(P)Transfer and Posting Order of Some Officials on Mutual Basis with immediate effect 11-03-2024Office Order  155.36 KB
46ITCircular regarding Scanning of computer systems for virus and bot infection via tools developed by Cyber Swachhta Kendra, GOI07-03-2024Circular  125.49 KB
47Admn.(R)Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB from the post of Sc. D to Sc. E06-03-2024Memorandum  99.38 KB
48Admn.(R)Provisional Seniority List in respect of all groups of Officers/officials (Non-FCS) working in Central Pollution Control Board as on 01-01-202406-03-2024Memorandum  1.51 MB
49Hindi Divisionपरिपत्र - राजभाषा विभाग05-02-2024Circular  1.02 MB
50Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Poras Kumar Nain as AAO in CPCB HO05-02-2024Office Order  130.83 KB
51VigilanceCircular from Vigilance Officer for strict compliance by all employees of CPCB30-01-2024Circular  773.04 KB
52Admn.(R)To submit performa along with 5 year APAR for self assessment for consideration under MFCS (Last date - 16-02-2024)30-01-2024Memorandum  210.75 KB
53MS SectionUpdate on Scientific Papers published till Jan 24, 202427-01-2024Circular  180.83 KB
54Admn.(P)Office order regarding full charge of Regional Director, Pune to Shri Pratik D. Bharne, Scientist-E22-01-2024Office Order  65.91 KB
55Admn.(P)OM regarding Half day closing on 22 January, 202419-01-2024Memorandum  317.97 KB
56Admn.(R)Proforma for self assessment for FCS regarding Promotion19-01-2024Memorandum  335.03 KB
57Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. M. Srinivas Rao from the post of AACO to ACO02-01-2024Office Order  86.11 KB
58Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Suresh Chander Sharma from the post of DEO Gr-I to DPA02-01-2024Office Order  87.40 KB
59Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Vijay Yadav Rao Sawant from the post of Driver Grade-I to Driver Special Grade02-01-2024Office Order  86.64 KB
60Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Kamal Bandhu from the Post of ALO to LO02-01-2024Office Order  86.68 KB
61Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Sukhendu Biswas from the Post of SSA to Sc. B02-01-2024Office Order  86.48 KB
62Admn.(R)Promotion of 3 Employees from the Post of Assistant to Section Officer02-01-2024Office Order  87.05 KB
63Admn.(R)Promotion of Smt. Kiran Verma from the post of Stenographer Grade-II is promoted to Stenographer Grade-I02-01-2024Office Order  86.89 KB
64Admn.(R)Promotion of 6 Officers of CPCB from the post of Sc. C to Sc. D28-12-2023Office Order  177.07 KB
65Admn.(R)Completion of probation period of 20 employees of CPCB as Scientist B28-12-2023Office Order  135.54 KB
66Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Rajdeep Singh as Assistant Law Office in CPCB28-12-2023Office Order  119.77 KB
67Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Sunil Kumar Sharma as Assistant Law Officer in CPCB28-12-2023Office Order  114.31 KB
68Admn.(P)Circular regarding submission of Immovable Property Returns for the ending year 202327-12-2023Circular  1.39 MB
69Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Aklesh Kumar Tyagi from the post of Sc. B to Sc. C27-12-2023Office Order  175.85 KB
70Admn.(R)Promotion of Two officials from the post of MTS to MTS Grade-I 18-12-2023Office Order  72.25 KB
71Admn.(C)Circular regarding Organ Donation Pledge15-12-2023Circular  1.26 MB
72Hindi DivisionHindi Advisory Committee Circular 11-12-2023Circular  547.77 KB
73Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. OM Prakash Shaw as SSA in CPCB11-12-2023Office Order  101.58 KB
74Admn.(P)Transfer and posting orders of 9 Employees24-11-2023Office Order  934.40 KB
75Admn.(R)Promotion of 4 Officers of CPCB from the post of Sc. E to Sc. F24-11-2023Office Order  385.75 KB
76Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Rahul Rajput as Assistant Law Office in CPCB24-11-2023Office Order  125.98 KB
77Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Rishabh Singh as Assistant Law Office in CPCB23-11-2023Office Order  129.05 KB
78Admn.(P)OM regarding celebration of Constitution Day on 26 November, 202322-11-2023Memorandum  857.19 KB
79Admn.(P)Office order regarding Transfer of Shri Ashok Kumar Shukla, LDC from HO to RD, Lucknow 16-11-2023Office Order  217.87 KB
80Admn.(R)Revision of Emoulments for Fellows working at CPCB16-11-2023Memorandum  62.36 KB
81Building DivisionOffice Order regarding Telephone facility16-11-2023Circular  43.98 KB
82Admn.(P)Circular regarding Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) on 31st October, 202331-10-2023Circular  1.36 MB
83F&A DivisionForm for Submission of Income Details & proof of savings in form 12BB in Annexure I and II for the Financial Year 2023-202431-10-2023Circular  623.65 KB
84F&A DivisionForm 12BB for submission of Income Details & proof of savings for the Financial Year 2023-2431-10-2023Circular  485.67 KB
85ITUpgradation antivirus software for strengthening system security27-10-2023Circular  433.04 KB
86Admn.(R)Grant of financial upgradation under the MACP Scheme to 4 employees25-10-2023Circular  120.83 KB
87Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Mudassir Ahmad Lone as Accounts Assistant in CPCB RD Chandigarh25-10-2023Office Order  128.36 KB
88Hindi Divisionवैज्ञानिक, तकनीकी एवं प्रशासनिक शब्दावली13-10-2023Circular  1.80 MB
89Admn.(P)Circular Regarding Identity Card 13-10-2023Circular  71.73 KB
90Admn.(R)Circular to engage one Consultant for various ongoing project and activities from the retired Scientist in CPCB09-10-2023Circular  43.13 KB
91Admn.(R)Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB25-09-2023Memorandum  47.66 KB
92Hindi Divisionहिंदी सलाहकार समिति की बैठक के कार्यवृत्त पर अनुवर्ती कार्रवाई करने संबंधी परिपत्र15-09-2023Circular  618.30 KB
93Hindi Division हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के संबंध में परिपत्र05-09-2023Circular  1.01 MB
94ETUEnrollment in iGOT Digital Platform of Mission Karmayogi01-09-2023Circular  305.58 KB
95Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfer and Posting made in public interest01-09-2023Office Order  61.94 KB
96ITCircular regarding Guidelines for condemnation & disposal of IT Equipment.31-08-2023Circular  446.04 KB
97Admn.(P)Office order regarding charge of Member Secretary, CPCB16-08-2023Office Order  55.22 KB
98PRCircular regarding Independence Day Celebration on 15th August, 2023 at CPCB14-08-2023Circular  330.22 KB
99Hindi Divisionहिंदी पखवाड़ा-परिपत्र-202311-08-2023Circular  1.12 MB
100Hindi Divisionवैज्ञानिक एवं तकनीकी शब्द संकलन 04-08-2023Circular  2.39 MB
101MS SectionGuidelines for Publishing Research Papers in CPCB12-07-2023Circular  162.68 KB
102Admn.(P)Circular regarding extension of tenure of deputation of Member Secretary, CPCB 10-07-2023Circular  45.03 KB
103Admn.(R)Upgradation of Project staffs to the post of Research Associate - II and III16-06-2023Office Order  128.86 KB
104Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfer and Posting made in public interest 14-06-2023Office Order  65.08 KB
105Admn.(P)Circular regarding Appointment of IEM in CPCB and Revised SOP for Adoption and Integration of Integrity Pact14-06-2023Circular  806.99 KB
106Admn.(R)Order regarding extension of Fellowship of RA-III, RA-II, RA-I, SRF and JRF06-06-2023Office Order  125.42 KB
107Admn.(R)Grant of Extension in respect of Temporary Status Employees and Project Scientist - 1 06-06-2023Office Order  148.21 KB
108ITTechnical issues in the VC Room at 2nd floor Conference hall, CPCB12-05-2023Circular  36.78 KB
109ITCircular on Mission Life by Information Technology (IT) Division 11-05-2023Circular  58.27 KB
110Material DivisionPhysical verification of assets/chemicals/equipment/fixed assets/fixture for the financial year 2022-2308-05-2023Office Order  413.11 KB
111Admn.(R)To submit performa along with 4 year APAR for self assessment for consideration under MFCS (Last date - 08-05-2023)03-05-2023Memorandum  46.90 KB
112Admn.(R)Final Seniority List in respect of all groups of Officers/officials (Non-FCS) working in Central Pollution Control Board as on 01-01-202321-04-2023Memorandum  5.70 MB
113Admn.(R)Completion of probation period of 13 employees of CPCB as Scientist B10-04-2023Office Order  84.31 KB
114Admn.(R)Joining order of the Officers/ officials to their respective posts after promotion06-04-2023Office Order  130.46 KB
115F&A DivisionCircular for Deduction of Income Tax at Source under section 192 of Income Tax act for the FY-2022-2305-04-2023Circular  640.28 KB
116ITTesting of upgraded network at CPCB head office on 01-04-202328-03-2023Circular  40.90 KB
117Admn.(P)Revised basic pay after promotion from Sc. B to Sc. C27-03-2023Office Order  361.75 KB
118Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 employees of CPCB from the post of Accounts Assistant to AACO24-03-2023Office Order  78.58 KB
119Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 employees of CPCB from the post of UDC to Assistant24-03-2023Office Order  79.28 KB
120Admn.(R)Promotion of 3 employees of CPCB from the post of Steno Gr-I to PS24-03-2023Office Order  79.10 KB
121Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 employees of CPCB from the post of SSA to Sc. B24-03-2023Office Order  79.16 KB
122Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Avnish Nath Trivedi from the post of Law Officer to Sr. Law Officer24-03-2023Office Order  77.89 KB
123Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Rajendra from the post of Assistant to Section Officer24-03-2023Office Order  77.69 KB
124Admn.(R)Promotion of 4 employees of CPCB from the post of SLA to SSA24-03-2023Office Order  79.67 KB
125Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 employees of CPCB from the post of TS to STS24-03-2023Office Order  78.99 KB
126Admn.(R)Completion of probation period of 13 employees of CPCB24-03-2023Office Order  80.22 KB
127Admn.(R)Joining on the Promoted post by various employee 24-03-2023Office Order  162.80 KB
128ETUCircular from ETU Division about requirement of Students for Training/ Internship / Dissertation 22-03-2023Circular  25.19 KB
129ITNetwork Upgradation at 4th Floor at CPCB Head office15-03-2023Circular  35.09 KB
130Admn.(R)Circular to invite suggestions / comments from officers/ officials of CPCB for Amendment in Recruitment Rules 2021 - regd.10-03-2023Circular  55.04 KB
131Admn.(R)Promotion of 13 Officers of CPCB from the post of Sc. B to Sc. C06-03-2023Office Order  80.65 KB
132RD ChennaiOffice order regarding joining of Ms Sukrutha S as JRF at CPCB RD Chennai01-03-2023Office Order  1.39 MB
133ITRenovation of VC Room at 2nd floor Conference hall, CPCB20-02-2023Circular  111.25 KB
134Admn.(R)Circular regarding up-gradation of Research Associate -I to RA-II and RA-II to RA-III13-02-2023Circular  79.91 KB
135Building DivisionCircular Regarding Contract of CPCB Canteen awarded to M/s Royal Enterprises 06-02-2023Circular  253.08 KB
136Admn.(R)Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. C31-01-2023Memorandum  42.94 KB
137Admn.(R)Provisional Seniority List in respect of all groups of Officers/officials (Non-FCS) working in Central Pollution Control Board as on 01-01-202324-01-2023Memorandum  1.48 MB
138RD ChennaiAppointment of Sh. H Naveenthakumaran as JRF at CPCB RD Chennai05-01-2023Office Order  1,022.15 KB
139Admn.(R)Regarding Joining of Sh. Rakesh Ahuja on he post of STS23-12-2022Office Order  172.45 KB
140Admn.(P)Office order regarding Transfer and Posting made in Public Interest19-12-2022Office Order  59.74 KB
141Admn.(R)To submit proforma along with previous APARs for self assessment for consideration under MFCS (Last date - 28-12-2022)16-12-2022Memorandum  44.60 KB
142Admn.(P)Office order regarding Transfer and Posting made in Public Interest16-12-2022Office Order  60.16 KB
143Admn.(P)Circular regarding submission of Annual Immovable Property Returns 15-12-2022Circular  1.26 MB
144RD ChennaiAppointment of Ms. Haritha R as JRF at CPCB RD Chennai15-12-2022Office Order  1.91 MB
145ITIntimation of Schedule maintenance of Server07-12-2022Circular  37.51 KB
146ITCyber Security Guidelines05-12-2022Circular  75.60 KB
147ITOperation of workload portal for assigning and monitoring task to RDs30-11-2022Circular  32.43 KB
148Building DivisionMissing of file of Building Division21-11-2022Circular  126.77 KB
149Admn.(R)Joining of 5 employees on the post of JLA, MTS grade-I and Driver Grade-I 14-11-2022Office Order  495.53 KB
150Hindi DivisionPublication of Hindi patrika 'PARYAVARAN' by MoEF&CC09-11-2022Circular  833.22 KB
151Admn.(P)Circular on Talk/Presentation overview of Vigilance/Disciplinary matter procedures at 12:00 P.M. on 04.11.2022 through VC03-11-2022Circular  60.31 KB
152Admn.(P)Circular along-with Pledge on Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) on 31st October, 202228-10-2022Circular  820.06 KB
153F&A DivisionForm 12BB for submission of Income Details & proof of savings in Annexure I and II for the Financial Year 2022-202328-10-2022Circular  679.01 KB
154F&A DivisionCircular For Income-Tax Deduction From Salaries During The Financial Year 2022-23 Under Section 192 Of The Income tax Act, 196128-10-2022Circular  1.04 MB
155Admn.(P)Circular on Observance of Vigilance Week , 202227-10-2022Circular  1.54 MB
156Admn.(R)Order regarding Promotion of Shri Nardeo Singh to the post of Accounts Officer 22-10-2022Office Order  130.55 KB
157Admn.(R)Order regarding Promotion of Shri Rakesh Kumar Ahuja to the post of Senior Technical Supervisor22-10-2022Office Order  133.34 KB
158Admn.(R)Promotion of Three (03) Employees from the post of SLA to SSA22-10-2022Office Order  133.73 KB
159Admn.(R)completion of probation period of 3 AACO employees22-10-2022Office Order  128.58 KB
160Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Basant Kumar, MTS-I to JLA22-10-2022Office Order  334.88 KB
161Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Deveshwar Prasad, Driver grade-I to Driver Special Grade22-10-2022Office Order  133.73 KB
162Admn.(R)Promotion of 4 Employees of CPCB from UDC to Assistant22-10-2022Office Order  134.44 KB
163Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Vijay Bansal, Accounts Assistant to Assistant Accounts Officer22-10-2022Office Order  215.81 KB
164Material DivisionCircular regarding Compliance of IEM suggestions on AMC/CAMC services 20-10-2022Circular  172.91 KB
165Admn.(P)Officer Order regarding Shri D.K. Soni, Sc. E will Officiate the duties of RD, Lucknow 19-10-2022Office Order  60.45 KB
166Admn.(P)Office order regarding financial incentives 14-10-2022Office Order  551.32 KB
167Admn.(R)To complete the last 3 years APARs by Ms. Medha Sharma, Sc. B and Smt. Yogesh Chandra, Sc. B13-10-2022Memorandum  69.02 KB
168AQMOffice Order regarding areas allotted to Officers for further CAQM Inspection10-10-2022Circular  1,008.43 KB
169Material DivisionTo inform to Material Division about handing and taking over assets on retirement/resignation etc.04-10-2022Circular  1.68 MB
170Admn.(P)Office Order regarding joining of Sh. Z Changsan, Sc. E at CPCB HO03-10-2022Office Order  151.01 KB
171Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfers and Postings made in Public Interest 27-09-2022Office Order  98.25 KB
172Hindi DivisionCircular regarding Competition on the Occasion of Hindi Day (from 14-09-2022 - 29-09-2022))07-09-2022Circular  1.06 MB
173Admn.(R)To fill the Performa for Self Assessment by 07 Nos. of Scientist B07-09-2022Memorandum  68.18 KB
174Admn.(R)Promotion of Two (02) Employees from the post of PS to AO31-08-2022Office Order  88.84 KB
175Admn.(R)Promotion of Two (02) Employees from the post of UDC to Assistant31-08-2022Office Order  88.82 KB
176Admn.(R)Promotion of Six (06) Employees from the post of Assistant to Section Officer31-08-2022Office Order  88.87 KB
177Admn.(R)Joining of 8 promoted officers for the post of Scientist B30-08-2022Office Order  78.65 KB
178ITCircular regarding IT Peripherals covered under AMC/CAMC29-08-2022Circular  32.47 KB
179Building DivisionMock drill exercise of File Extinguisher and fire fighting system to be held on 30-08-2022 at 4 pm29-08-2022Circular  40.11 KB
180Admn.(R)Order regarding completion of probation period of 13 employees22-08-2022Office Order  415.71 KB
181Admn.(R)Promotion of Eight (08) Employees from SSA to Sc. B22-08-2022Office Order  357.73 KB
182Admn.(C)Special Covid vaccination camp will be organized on 10-08-2022 at CPCB Head Office08-08-2022Circular  185.20 KB
183PCPUpdation in CPIOs04-08-2022Memorandum  407.31 KB
184Admn.(P)OM regarding transaction related to immovable/ movable property02-08-2022Memorandum  2.41 MB
185Admn.(P) Office Order regarding Transfers and Postings with New/Additional Assignment Made in Public Interest 01-08-2022Office Order  60.92 KB
186Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Naveen Kumar as Scientist B in CPCB29-07-2022Office Order  71.03 KB
187Building DivisionRegarding filling of Car requisition slip for monitoring and Inspection28-07-2022Office Order  154.06 KB
188Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Arnab Mandal as Scientist B at CPCB18-07-2022Office Order  408.76 KB
189Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Tapas Ukil as Scientist B at CPCB18-07-2022Office Order  406.30 KB
190Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Madnesh Kumar Dubey as Scientist B at CPCB18-07-2022Office Order  395.27 KB
191Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Yogesh Kumar Poonia as Consultant B at Rajasthan SPCB 13-07-2022Office Order  435.34 KB
192Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Shaginimol C N as Consultant B at AQM Division, CPCB12-07-2022Office Order  405.31 KB
193Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Naga Prashanth as Consultant B at Odisha SPCB29-06-2022Office Order  430.91 KB
194Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Deepak Kumar as Scientist B at CPCB29-06-2022Office Order  390.63 KB
195Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Amit Kumar Tiwari as Scientist B at CPCB29-06-2022Office Order  395.37 KB
196Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Pranshu Srivastava as Scientist B at CPCB29-06-2022Office Order  393.11 KB
197Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Rishabh Bhatghare as Scientist B at CPCB29-06-2022Office Order  394.31 KB
198Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Pramod Kumar Rana as Consultant B (Admin) in CPCB23-06-2022Office Order  422.99 KB
199MS SectionDelegation of signatory power to MS-CPCB to issue directions to SPCBs/PCCs23-06-2022Office Order  34.16 KB
200PRCelebration of International Yoga Day - 202220-06-2022Circular  90.90 KB
201Admn.(P)Circular regarding travelling Allowances on transfer to/from North-Eastern Region, Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep Island and Ladakh – in respect of the CG employees17-06-2022Circular  266.64 KB
202Material DivisionOffice Order regarding physical verification for 2021-2215-06-2022Office Order  563.93 KB
203Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Roy Jyoti Rajkumar as Consultant A at CPCB14-06-2022Office Order  382.27 KB
204Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Meenal Gupta as Consultant B at MoEF&CC, Delhi14-06-2022Office Order  394.53 KB
205Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Lekha Jagannath Dhote as Consultant A at Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee14-06-2022Office Order  410.45 KB
206Admn.(R)Final Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.202210-06-2022Memorandum  6.98 MB
207ETUSubmission of Training titles for Training Programme09-06-2022Circular  890.73 KB
208Admn.(P)Appointment of Sh. Sanjay Joshi as JLA in CPCB09-06-2022Office Order  51.83 KB
209Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Vipin as Consultant B at MoEF&CC, Delhi06-06-2022Office Order  400.32 KB
210Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Ashutosh Kumar Bharti as Technical Supervisor in CPCB06-06-2022Office Order  379.61 KB
211PRRegarding World Environment Day - 202203-06-2022Circular  67.99 KB
212Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Sujeet Kumar Chourasia as JLA in CPCB03-06-2022Office Order  377.51 KB
213Building DivisionCircular regarding vehicle requisition by officers31-05-2022Circular  136.50 KB
214Admn.(P)Transfers and postings are made in public interest with immediate effect30-05-2022Office Order  59.96 KB
215Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Gayatri Chawda as Consultant A at UPPCB27-05-2022Office Order  427.91 KB
216Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Jit Saha Choudhury as LDC in CPCB26-05-2022Office Order  351.94 KB
217Admn.(C)Circular regarding COVID Booster Vaccination Camp at CPCB, Delhi 18-05-2022Circular  52.34 KB
218Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Nikita as Consultant A at MoEF&CC, Delhi13-05-2022Office Order  424.06 KB
219Admn.(C)Transfers and postings are made in public interest with immediate effect06-05-2022Office Order  70.12 KB
220Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Ramakrishna Chinthapalli as Consultant B at CPCB06-05-2022Office Order  423.05 KB
221Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Tushar Kanti Das as JLA in CPCB04-05-2022Office Order  377.07 KB
222Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Mohit Verma as Technical Supervisor in CPCB25-04-2022Office Order  370.69 KB
223Admn.(P)Regarding APARs forms for the period from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.202222-04-2022Memorandum  67.80 KB
224Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Sandeep Lakhiram Narnaware as Consultant A at Chhattisgarh Env. Conservation Board13-04-2022Office Order  475.47 KB
225F&A DivisionCircular for Deduction of Income Tax at Source under section 192 of Income Tax act for the FY-2022-2307-04-2022Circular  180.64 KB
226Admn.(R)Appointment of sh. Maninder Kaur as Consultant B at Haryana SPCB07-04-2022Office Order  455.76 KB
227Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Pappu Kumar as Consultant A at Bihar SPCB07-04-2022Office Order  779.33 KB
228Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Kartikey Sahil as Consultant A at West Bengal SPCB07-04-2022Office Order  808.70 KB
229Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Bharati Sharad Bharat as Junior Technician at CPCB, Delhi07-04-2022Office Order  390.76 KB
230Admn.(R)To submit proforma along with 3 year APAR for self assessment for consideration under MFCS (Last date - 20-04-2022)06-04-2022Memorandum  1,013.49 KB
231Admn.(R)To submit Assessment Report for probation clearance06-04-2022Memorandum  1.04 MB
232Admn.(R)Order regarding extension of Fellowship of PS-I, RA-1, SRF and JRF31-03-2022Office Order  1.61 MB
233Admn.(R)Grant of Extension in respect of Temporary Status Employees and Project Scientist - 1 regd.29-03-2022Office Order  405.13 KB
234Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Rohitash Saini as Junior Technician at CPCB, Delhi28-03-2022Office Order  362.86 KB
235Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Chandan Kumar Rai as Junior Laboratory Assistant at CPCB, Delhi28-03-2022Office Order  353.76 KB
236Admn.(R)Appointment of sh. Dhananjay Tripathi as Consultant A at CPCB, Delhi25-03-2022Office Order  418.55 KB
237Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Gaurav Singh as Consultant A at Meghalaya SPCB24-03-2022Office Order  592.80 KB
238Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Prashant Pandey as Consultant A at Uttarakhand SPCB24-03-2022Office Order  636.17 KB
239Admn.(R)To Provide the Work Allocation report /Performance Report of outsourced staff engaged through M/s BECIL14-03-2022Circular  618.58 KB
240Hindi DivisionRajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar Yojna year 202114-03-2022Circular  545.15 KB
241Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Parinita Baruah as Consultant A at CPCB, Delhi10-03-2022Office Order  622.77 KB
242Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfer and Posting made in Public interest 23-02-2022Office Order  63.58 KB
243Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Abhishek Kumar Maurya as LDC in CPCB22-02-2022Office Order  510.94 KB
244Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Tejas as LDC in CPCB22-02-2022Office Order  460.01 KB
245Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Salil Bhardwaj as LDC in CPCB22-02-2022Office Order  555.87 KB
246Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Vishal Jaiswal as MTS in CPCB22-02-2022Office Order  650.01 KB
247Admn.(P)Circular regarding modification of instructions regarding Air Travel on Government account – reg.17-02-2022Circular  90.21 KB
248Admn.(R)Promotion of 17 Project Staff from the post of JRF to SRF14-02-2022Office Order  945.94 KB
249Admn.(R)Circular regarding requirement of extension of Project staff11-02-2022Circular  453.23 KB
250Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Nandan Sarkar as JLA in CPCB11-02-2022Office Order  136.55 KB
251Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Brijendra Pratap Mishra as JLA in CPCB11-02-2022Office Order  144.81 KB
252Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19) - Attendance regarding07-02-2022Circular  350.19 KB
253Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Increase of sitting fees of Independent External Monitor (IEM)03-02-2022Office Order  798.33 KB
254Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID – 19) – Attendance regarding.01-02-2022Memorandum  842.52 KB
255Admn.(P)Announcement of money prize to Sh. Vikas Rawat, Assistant and Sh. Kamal, Account Assistant after clearing Hindi typing competition28-01-2022Office Order  679.39 KB
256Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Ajay Kharolia as Junior Technician in CPCB25-01-2022Office Order  128.97 KB
257Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Chandan Kumar as MTS in CPCB25-01-2022Office Order  10.18 MB
258Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Rajesh Kumar as LDC at CPCB RD Vadodara24-01-2022Office Order  339.80 KB
259Admn.(P)Officer Order regarding Transfer of Dr. (Mrs.) Premanjali Rai, JSA from CPCB HO to CPCB RD, Kolkatta18-01-2022Office Order  61.29 KB
260Admn.(R)Circular regarding Central Pollution Control Board ( Method of Recruitment, terms and Conditions of Service of Officers and other Employees other than Member Secretary) regulation, 2021.05-01-2022Circular  544.01 KB
261Admn.(R)CPCB’s Recruitment Rules 2021, Notified in the Gazette of India on 18th November 202105-01-2022Circular  2.63 MB
262Admn.(P)OM regarding re-start of attendance through Bio Metric Machine- reg.05-01-2022Memorandum  60.94 KB
263Admn.(P)Suspension of bio matric attendance regarding.04-01-2022Memorandum  636.44 KB
264Admn.(P)Attendance of all Employee regarding04-01-2022Memorandum  893.02 KB
265Admn.(P)to submit Annual Immovable Property Returns29-12-2021Circular  122.48 KB
266Admn.(R)Promotion of 4 Officers of CPCB from Sc. D to Sc. E14-12-2021Office Order  110.81 KB
267Admn.(R)Promotion of 13 Officers of CPCB from Sc. E to Sc. F14-12-2021Office Order  125.37 KB
268Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfer and Posting of Officials in Public Interest02-12-2021Office Order  56.64 KB
269Admn.(R)Submission of Performance Report for casual and Adhoc employees working at CPCB HO/RDs15-11-2021Circular  139.38 KB
270Admn.(P)Verification of Service Books by the Employees12-11-2021Circular  135.71 KB
271AQMAnnual increment to the Consultants and RA working under NCAP Project11-11-2021Office Order  242.71 KB
272MoEF&CCOffice Memorandum regarding Photography Competition by MoEF&CC during Iconic Week Oct 04-10, 202104-11-2021Memorandum  249.71 KB
273AQMExtension of the contract in respect of Consultants and RA working under NCAP Project02-11-2021Office Order  182.76 KB
274Admn.(P)Circular regarding Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) on 31st October, 2021.26-10-2021Circular  359.68 KB
275Admn.(R)Up-gradation of Junior Research Fellow to Senior Research Fellow from HO 25-10-2021Circular  878.25 KB
276Admn.(P)Circular regarding Accepting gifts / valuable articles, etc. is derogatory from Members of Public on occasion of festivals 21-10-2021Circular  107.01 KB
277Admn.(R)Interview of 17 Officers for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. E and Sc. F on 28-29 Oct, 202121-10-2021Memorandum  483.08 KB
278Admn.(C)Free vaccination camp will be organized at CPCB on 21.10.202120-10-2021Circular  597.74 KB
279Admn.(C)Annual Health Checkup for the Group A Officers of CPCB of age 40 years and above12-10-2021Circular  110.42 KB
280MS SectionCircular Regarding Discontinuation of Single Use Plastic in CPCB06-10-2021Circular  431.79 KB
281Building DivisionCircular regarding start of functioning of Canteen Services in CPCB HO from 07.10.2021 along with list of eatables 06-10-2021Circular  192.49 KB
282Building DivisionOffice Order regarding extension of telephone facility to five Scientist B from 01.10.202130-09-2021Office Order  24.00 KB
283Building DivisionOffice Order regarding extension of telephone facility Shri Diganta Kalita, DH F&A from 01.10.2021 30-09-2021Office Order  21.28 KB
284Admn.(P)Office Order regarding attendance through Face Recognition Bio Metric System (with Mask) from 01.10.202129-09-2021Office Order  171.14 KB
285Admn.(R)Probation clearance of Consultant A, B and Research Associate under NCAP Project28-09-2021Office Order  674.83 KB
286Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID – 19), in the premises of CPCB - regd.24-09-2021Circular  904.21 KB
287Admn.(R)Financial Upgradation granted to 6 employees under MACP Scheme23-09-2021Office Order  2.44 MB
288Hindi Divisionमंत्रालय द्वारा हिंदी के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबंधित तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट की समीक्षा के संबंध में।22-09-2021Circular  588.48 KB
289Admn.(R)Order regarding appointment Sh. R. Krishnamoorthy as Section Officer in CPCB on deputation basis20-09-2021Office Order  69.27 KB
290Admn.(P)Circular regarding Joining of Shri Tanmay Kumar, IAS (RAJ: 1993) as Chairman, CPCB as additional charge02-09-2021Circular  510.83 KB
291Admn.(R)joining of Four (4) CPCB officials to the promoted post 24-08-2021Office Order  731.37 KB
292Hindi DivisionCircular regarding organizing of HIndi Diwas Programme on September 14, 202116-08-2021Circular  525.53 KB
293Admn.(P)Transfer of Sh. Pravin Kumar Gupta, SLA from MoEF&CC to Water Lab-CPCB13-08-2021Office Order  188.10 KB
294Hindi DivisionRegarding practice of Hindi usage officially (quarterly report) as per direction of Mef&CC 13-08-2021Circular  249.43 KB
295Hindi DivisionNomination of two employees for online Hindi kaaryshala13-08-2021Office Order  147.23 KB
296Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Sunil Kumar and Smt. Babita Kumari from the post of Attendent to Sr. Attendent12-08-2021Office Order  1,020.76 KB
297Admn.(R)Order regarding completion of probation period of 11 employees12-08-2021Office Order  1.18 MB
298Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Rambir Singh, Driver Grade-I to Driver Special Grade12-08-2021Office Order  953.82 KB
299Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Nandu Prasad, JLA to SLA12-08-2021Office Order  980.79 KB
300Admn.(P)Increment in the pay for 1 year after Passing Hindi Typing test by 2 CPCB Employees11-08-2021Office Order  206.23 KB
301F&A DivisionTo mention the distance travelled in kilometers while submitting their local conveyance claims.10-08-2021Circular  179.93 KB
302Admn.(P)Transfer and Posting order in Public interest with immediate effect06-08-2021Office Order  283.10 KB
303Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID – 19), in the premises of CPCB – reg.06-08-2021Circular  870.19 KB
304Admn.(R)To submit performa along with 4 year APAR for self assessment for consideration under MFCS (Last date - 03.08.2021)30-07-2021Memorandum  633.16 KB
305Admn.(R)Extension of Deputation period of Ms. Archana Singh, AACO29-07-2021Office Order  467.88 KB
306ETUInvitation of Training Titles for the financial year 2021-2226-07-2021Circular  673.64 KB
307Admn.(R)Forwarding on monthly attendence sheet in r/o JRF/SRF/RA/Consultant and outsourced staffs20-07-2021Circular  327.52 KB
308Admn.(R)Final Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.202119-07-2021Memorandum  3.13 MB
309F&A DivisionCircular Regarding Income-Tax Deduction From Salaries During The Financial Year 2021-22 Under Section 192 Of The Incometax Act, 1961.16-07-2021Circular  605.25 KB
310F&A DivisionForm for Submission of Income Details & proof of savings in form 12BB in Annexure I and II for the Financial Year 2021-202216-07-2021Circular  673.38 KB
311Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 officers from Sc. B to Sc. C13-07-2021Office Order  910.65 KB
312Admn.(R)Probation period clearance of two officials for the post of Sc. B13-07-2021Office Order  870.00 KB
313Admn.(C)Free vaccination camp will be organized at CPCB on 09.07.202109-07-2021Circular  166.48 KB
314Admn.(P)Transfer of 2 officers i.e. Sh. Ashok Kashyap, Sr. AO & Smt. Madhu Luthra, AO07-07-2021Office Order  55.99 KB
315Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID – 19)02-07-2021Office Order  91.49 KB
316Admn.(R)Persons who could not attend office due to Covid-19 from 01.04.2021 to 30.06.2021 - reg.21-06-2021Circular  422.34 KB
317Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID - 19) - Attendance regarding.15-06-2021Memorandum  1.11 MB
318Admn.(R)Interview of 2 Officers for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. C on 23.06.202115-06-2021Memorandum  352.21 KB
319Admn.(R)Joining of Dr. Dolly Kulshrestha as Sc. B15-06-2021Office Order  754.62 KB
320Admn.(R)Upgradation of Ms. Pooja Srivastava from RA-I to RA-II11-06-2021Office Order  179.83 KB
321Admn.(P)Shri Naresh Pal Gangwar, IAS (RJ : 1994) has been assigned the additional charge of the post of Chairman, CPCB 02-06-2021Circular  569.10 KB
322Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID – 19) – Attendance regarding.31-05-2021Memorandum  526.29 KB
323Admn.(R)Upgradation of RA-I and RA-II under various projects31-05-2021Office Order  274.76 KB
324Admn.(P)Transfer and Posting order in Public interest with immediate effect 27-05-2021Office Order  397.20 KB
325Admn.(P)Transfers of duties of Hindi Division and Dispatch section - reg.27-05-2021Office Order  152.28 KB
326Admn.(P)Transfer and Posting of 7 Employees20-05-2021Office Order  135.99 KB
327Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (Covid 19) – Attendance regarding.16-05-2021Memorandum  343.49 KB
328Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of (COVID – 19)10-05-2021Office Order  348.68 KB
329Admn.(P)OM regarding Assignment details during Work From Home along with Format10-05-2021Memorandum  329.72 KB
330Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID – 19) 04-05-2021Office Order  462.26 KB
331Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19)30-04-2021Memorandum  5.74 MB
332Admn.(R)Not entitled to claim absorption in CPCB against any regular post27-04-2021Memorandum  156.65 KB
333Admn.(P)Circular regarding maintaining transparency, fairness and integrity while evaluating the bids/ tenders26-04-2021Circular  205.98 KB
334Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19) 16-04-2021Memorandum  859.37 KB
335Admn.(R)To submit performa along with 4 year APAR for self assessment for consideration under MFCS (Last date - 30.04.2021)16-04-2021Memorandum  1.58 MB
336Admn.(P)Instructions regarding Attendance through Biometric Attendance Control System installed in CPCB 12-04-2021Circular  398.46 KB
337Admn.(P)Provide details of Old documents, files, computers, printers and UPSs09-04-2021Circular  197.55 KB
338Building DivisionSubmission of obsolete/Unserviceable materials/office equipment/lab instrument etc.09-04-2021Circular  138.74 KB
339Admn.(R)Joining of Sh. Ayay Y Sirsikar, as Account officer08-04-2021Office Order  409.80 KB
340Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19) - Vaccination for Central Govt. Employees06-04-2021Memorandum  501.96 KB
341Hindi Division95th Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee to be held on 08.04.202105-04-2021Memorandum  323.94 KB
342Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Ayay Y Sirsikar from the post of AACO to ACO01-04-2021Office Order  436.95 KB
343Admn.(P)Regarding additional charge of WM-II division to Shri B.V. Babu31-03-2021Office Order  203.96 KB
344Admn.(P)Clarification regarding full and final settlement of bills/claims pertaining to LTC Special Cash Package Scheme31-03-2021Memorandum  340.29 KB
345Admn.(P)Declaration of Holiday on 14.04.2021 – Birthday of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar31-03-2021Memorandum  333.52 KB
346Admn.(P)Circular regarding apply for leave 30-03-2021Circular  398.85 KB
347Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19) - Attendance regarding26-03-2021Memorandum  3.80 MB
348Admn.(P)Regarding APARs forms for the period from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 23-03-2021Memorandum  822.03 KB
349Admn.(R)Grant of extension in respect of the Temporary status of Employees of CPCB22-03-2021Office Order  537.89 KB
350Admn.(P)Drawl of next increment of 3 employees under Rule 10 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 201622-03-2021Office Order  352.49 KB
351Admn.(R)Joining of Sh. Vipin Goel as AACO19-03-2021Office Order  347.77 KB
352Admn.(R)Order regarding extension of Fellowship of PS-I, RA-1, SRF and JRF15-03-2021Office Order  2.66 MB
353Admn.(R)To submit Assessment Report for probation clearance12-03-2021Memorandum  782.55 KB
354Admn.(C)Regarding necessity of under taking of RT-PCR test during visit to parliament10-03-2021Circular  429.24 KB
355PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List10-03-2021Memorandum  387.14 KB
356Admn.(P)Circular regarding applying for Deputation outside CPCB04-03-2021Circular  476.27 KB
357Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19) - Attendance regarding03-03-2021Memorandum  467.27 KB
358Admn.(P)Revised Basic Pay after promotion of Twelve (12) officers from SSA to Sc. B01-03-2021Office Order  375.30 KB
359Admn.(P)Drawl of next increment of 14 employees under Rule 10 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 201601-03-2021Office Order  631.47 KB
360Admn.(R)joining of Eight (8) CPCB officials promoted to post of SSA26-02-2021Office Order  895.93 KB
361Admn.(R)joining of Two (2) CPCB officials promoted to post of TS26-02-2021Office Order  759.12 KB
362Admn.(R)joining of CPCB officers promoted to post of Sr. AO26-02-2021Office Order  647.30 KB
363Admn.(R)Joining of Twelve (12) CPCB officials promoted to post of Sc. B26-02-2021Office Order  865.87 KB
364Admn.(R)joining of CPCB officers promoted to post of AO26-02-2021Office Order  704.05 KB
365Admn.(R)Corrigendum in the Appointment order of Sh. Jatinder Gupta, SLO 26-02-2021Memorandum  380.69 KB
366Admn.(P)Revised Basic Pay after promotion of three (3) officers from Sc. B to sc. C26-02-2021Office Order  198.53 KB
367Admn.(R)Extension in respect of the Project and Adhoc employees engaged in Different Projects24-02-2021Office Order  519.39 KB
368Hindi DivisionRegarding submission of consolidated monthly report to MoEF&CC24-02-2021Circular  231.25 KB
369Admn.(P)Office order regarding posting of Shri G.Thirumurhty Sc. E and Shr P.K. Behara, Sc. E 23-02-2021Office Order  55.82 KB
370Admn.(P)Transfer and Posting of 6 Employees19-02-2021Office Order  135.94 KB
371Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19) - Attendance regarding19-02-2021Memorandum  805.42 KB
372Hindi DivisionTo constitute the Hindi Divisional working committee in RDs and PO of CPCB17-02-2021Memorandum  116.56 KB
373Hindi DivisionTo constitute the Hindi Divisional working committee in of CPCB17-02-2021Memorandum  123.97 KB
374Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Jatinder Gupta as Senior Law Officer on deputation basis11-02-2021Office Order  427.17 KB
375Admn.(R)Office order regarding promotion of few officials from the post of JSA to SSA 04-02-2021Office Order  399.16 KB
376Admn.(R)Office order regarding promotion of Sh. Vipin Goel from Accounts Assistant to the post of Asst. Account Officer 04-02-2021Office Order  373.97 KB
377Admn.(R)Office order regarding promotion of Smt. Kaushalya Sharma from PS to the post of Administrative Officer 04-02-2021Office Order  374.92 KB
378Admn.(R)Office order regarding promotion of Sh. Ashok Kashyap from Admn. Officer to the post of Sr. Admn. Officer 04-02-2021Office Order  360.22 KB
379Admn.(R)Office order regarding promotion of 2 officials from Sr. Technician to the post of Technical Supervisor04-02-2021Office Order  388.51 KB
380Admn.(R)Office order regarding promotion of few officials from the post of SSA to Scientist B 04-02-2021Office Order  445.34 KB
381Admn.(R)Promotion order of 3 officers under MFCS from the post of Scientist B to Scientist C04-02-2021Office Order  438.96 KB
382Admn.(P)Promotion of 2 officers from Sc. B to Sc. C04-02-2021Office Order  1.93 MB
383Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Ajay Kumar Dubey from the post of JSA to SSA04-02-2021Office Order  83.84 KB
384Admn.(P)Pay fixation of Thirteen (13) employees after granting MACP04-02-2021Office Order  245.43 KB
385Admn.(R)Order regarding Compassionate appointment scheme for dependent family member of Govt. servant03-02-2021Office Order  1.91 MB
386Admn.(C)Necessity of undertaking RT-PCR test during visit to the Parliament House Complex for Budget session 202101-02-2021Circular  515.67 KB
387Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19) - Attendance regarding29-01-2021Memorandum  6.13 MB
388Admn.(R)Order regarding completion of probation period of Scientist B29-01-2021Office Order  550.76 KB
389Hindi Divisionराजभाषा नियमों का अनुपालन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए जांच बिन्दुओं को सुदृड़ एवं प्र्भावी बनाया जाना29-01-2021Memorandum  511.72 KB
390Admn.(P)Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure28-01-2021Circular  525.31 KB
391Hindi DivisionHindi content for 70th edition of Hindi Patrika of MoEF&CC25-01-2021Circular  176.98 KB
392Admn.(R)Order regarding appointment of Sh. Srishti Singh as Consultant ( Economics) for R&D activities 22-01-2021Office Order  114.22 KB
393F&A DivisionForm 12BB for submission of Income Details & proof of savings for the Financial Year 2020-2121-01-2021Circular  665.18 KB
394F&A Division Income-Tax Deduction From Salaries During The Financial Year 2020-21 Under Section 192 Of The Income Tax Act, 1961.21-01-2021Circular  594.78 KB
395Admn.(R)Interview of 3 Officers for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. C on 02.02.202121-01-2021Memorandum  373.18 KB
396ETUCircular Regarding Nomination for Training Programmes for Officials of CPCB for the year 2020-202118-01-2021Circular  1.30 MB
397Admn.(R)Order regarding appointment of Sh. Sameer Arora as Consultant (Science & Engineering) for R&D activities 14-01-2021Office Order  105.20 KB
398Admn.(R)Order regarding appointment of Ms. Tanvi Bhardwaj as Consultant (Journalism) for R&D activities 14-01-2021Office Order  103.34 KB
399Admn.(R)Circular regarding requirement of extension of Project staff 13-01-2021Office Order  334.40 KB
400Admn.(P)Office order regarding transfer and posting of Shri P.K. Sharma, Assistant from RD Vadodara to CPCB,HO12-01-2021Office Order  433.95 KB
401Admn.(R)To submit performa along with 3 year APAR for self assessment for consideration under MFCS (Last date - 20.01.2021)08-01-2021Memorandum  432.55 KB
402Admn.(R)Provisional Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 08.01.202008-01-2021Memorandum  2.77 MB
403Admn.(P)Regarding forwarding applications of employment to other Departments 07-01-2021Circular  419.42 KB
404Admn.(P)Circular regarding submission of Annual Immovable Property Return07-01-2021Circular  572.23 KB
405PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List07-01-2021Memorandum  535.95 KB
406PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List07-01-2021Memorandum  535.95 KB
407Admn.(P)Regarding Drawal of next increment Under Rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rule - 2016 06-01-2021Memorandum  1.17 MB
408Admn.(P)Revised Basic Pay after promotion of Smt. Meena Sharma from the post of PS to AO31-12-2020Office Order  103.14 KB
409Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Archana Singh as Assistant Account Officer28-12-2020Office Order  131.67 KB
410Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Arti Bhatia as Private Secretary28-12-2020Office Order  251.55 KB
411Admn.(R)Joining of Smt. Meena Sharma as Administrative Officer23-12-2020Office Order  669.41 KB
412Admn.(R)Joining of Sh. Diganta Kalita as Account fficer23-12-2020Office Order  649.74 KB
413Admn.(R)Financial Upgradation granted to 13 employees under MACP Scheme23-12-2020Office Order  2.71 MB
414Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Deepak Saini as Consultant (Science & Engineering)21-12-2020Office Order  240.49 KB
415MSSectionPreventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), in the premises of CPCB17-12-2020Circular  256.12 KB
416Admn.(P)Regarding Transfer and Posting Order in public interest15-12-2020Office Order  740.98 KB
417Admn.(R)Regarding list of Project Employees and Project wise posted in Division/ RDs07-12-2020Office Order  387.14 KB
418Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19) - Attendance regarding03-12-2020Memorandum  8.64 MB
419Admn.(R)Regarding list of identified posts suitable for all the categories of disabilities27-11-2020Office Order  355.05 KB
420Admn.(R)Order regarding promotion of Smt. Meena Sharma from the post of PS to Administrative Officer26-11-2020Office Order  458.14 KB
421Admn.(R)Order regarding promotion of Sh. D. Kalita from Asst. Acc. Officer to Account Officer 26-11-2020Office Order  46.67 KB
422Admn.(C)Free Coronavirus positively Testing Camp in the premises on CPCB24-11-2020Circular  170.75 KB
423Admn.(C)Free Coronavirus positively Testing Camp in the premises on CPCB (HINDI Version)24-11-2020Circular  56.28 KB
424Admn.(P)Restart of Biometric Attendance System20-11-2020Circular  275.37 KB
425Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID -19 duty roaster - reg WM-I, II, III CPCB03-11-2020Memorandum  239.39 KB
426Admn.(P)Circular regarding Accepting Gifts/ Valuable articles on occasion of Festivals29-10-2020Circular  141.91 KB
427Admn.(P)Circular regarding Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 202026-10-2020Circular  1.19 MB
428Admn.(P)Circular to Maintain Punctuality in Office 26-10-2020Circular  320.81 KB
429Building DivisionCircular regarding - No visitors are allowed to visit any officer/staff15-10-2020Circular  83.84 KB
430Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Preeti Ramashankar Galne as Consultant B12-10-2020Office Order  140.05 KB
431Admn.(R)Joining order of 3 offficials after promotion (Sh. Tara Chand, Sh. Rupen Chand & Sh. Prahlad baghel)05-10-2020Office Order  802.61 KB
432Admn.(R)Joing of their promoted post by three (3) officials05-10-2020Office Order  234.66 KB
433Admn.(P)Commemorate of 46th Foundation Day on 23rd September, 2020 21-09-2020Circular  796.72 KB
434Admn.(P)Office order regarding Tansfer and Posting in Public Interest18-09-2020Office Order  59.68 KB
435Admn.(P)Sh. M K Choudhury will continue as DH-PR14-09-2020Memorandum  330.54 KB
436Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 officials from MTS to LDC11-09-2020Office Order  364.70 KB
437Admn.(R)Completion of probation period of 5 officials11-09-2020Office Order  405.12 KB
438Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Tara Chand from the post of LDC to UDC11-09-2020Office Order  339.73 KB
439Admn.(P)Office order regarding transfer and posting of officers made in public interest 09-09-2020Office Order  955.66 KB
440Admn.(P)Guidelines for Home isolation of very mild/Pre-symptomatic/Asymptomatic COVID-19 cases03-09-2020Memorandum  690.04 KB
441Hindi DivisionCircular regarding organizing of HIndi Diwas Programme on September 14, 202024-08-2020Circular  137.91 KB
442Admn.(P)Appointment as IEM in CPCB24-08-2020Circular  742.58 KB
443Admn.(P)OM regarding Annual Performance Appraisal Report forms for the period from 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2020 (Forms are available under section - Download Forms)20-08-2020Memorandum  280.12 KB
444Admn.(P)Transfer of 2 officers i.e. Sh. M K Biswas, Sc. E & Reena Satavan, Sc. D19-08-2020Office Order  118.47 KB
445Admn.(R)Revised Monthly Remuneration of staff working in SER Project in NGRBA17-08-2020Office Order  128.43 KB
446Admn.(R)Order regarding extension of Fellowship of Project Sc,RA-1, SRF and JRF04-08-2020Office Order  1.74 MB
447Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Vishnu C as Consultant A04-08-2020Office Order  124.06 KB
448Admn.(R)Appointment of Various Consultant A and Consultant B on contract basis in CPCB28-07-2020Office Order  4.52 MB
449PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List28-07-2020Memorandum  427.08 KB
450Admn.(P)Pay fixation of Ten (10) officers after promotion to Scientist E28-07-2020Office Order  245.99 KB
451Admn.(P)Sh. Diganta Kalita, AAO is the new Incharge of Finance & Account Division28-07-2020Office Order  132.01 KB
452Admn.(R)To submit Assessment Report for probation clearance23-07-2020Memorandum  352.64 KB
453Admn.(R)Registration by Group C employees for the promotion to the post of LDC20-07-2020Memorandum  658.58 KB
454Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Tanya Chhabra as RA under NCAP Project 17-07-2020Office Order  138.15 KB
455Admn.(P)Information for RAs to attend interview /give presentation on 13th July, 202008-07-2020Office Order  110.42 KB
456Admn.(R)Promotion of 10 Project Staffs from the post of JRF to SRF01-07-2020Office Order  185.10 KB
457Admn.(R)Promotion of 10 Officers from Sc. D to Sc. E30-06-2020Office Order  406.71 KB
458Admn.(P)To submit performa for self assessment for consideration under MFCS30-06-2020Memorandum  367.86 KB
459Admn.(P)Transfer of Four (4) Officers27-06-2020Office Order  222.04 KB
460Admn.(P)International Yoga Day on 21.06.202018-06-2020Circular  554.20 KB
461Admn.(R)REMINDER - To submit performa for self assessment for consideration under MFCS16-06-2020Memorandum  533.01 KB
462Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of COVID -19 duty roaster - reg16-06-2020Memorandum  285.60 KB
463BuildingSectionCircular regarding switch off of Electric equipments while leaving office12-06-2020Circular  366.25 KB
464Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken by CPCB for Containment of COVID-19 - regd11-06-2020Circular  316.53 KB
465Admn.(P)Regarding conducting typing test for the promotion of MTS & Sr. Attendent to LDC10-06-2020Memorandum  713.94 KB
466Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken by CPCB for containment of COVID -19 - reg08-06-2020Circular  2.66 MB
467Material DivisionProcurement through GeM as per GFR 149 in CPCB submission of indent on quarterly basis for blocking of funds01-06-2020Circular  243.77 KB
468Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of Covid-1901-06-2020Memorandum  92.72 KB
469Admn.(R)Order regarding completion of probation period of 4 officers27-05-2020Office Order  406.92 KB
470Admn.(P)Optimum use of Stationary27-05-2020Memorandum  265.42 KB
471Admn.(P)Office order regarding joining of CPCB officials promoted under DPC meeting held on 16.12.2019 and 16.03.202026-05-2020Office Order  866.15 KB
472Admn.(R)Final Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.202022-05-2020Memorandum  2.47 MB
473Admn.(R)To submit performa for self assessment for consideration under MFCS21-05-2020Memorandum  540.09 KB
474Admn.(P)Office Order regarding transfer and posting of CPCB officials in Public Interest19-05-2020Office Order  49.76 KB
475Admn.(P)Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19- Attendance regarding19-05-2020Memorandum  131.75 KB
476Admn.(P)Office Memorandum regaring Submission of Performa of Self Assessment for promotion under MFCS13-05-2020Memorandum  519.82 KB
477Admn.(R)Promotion of Smt. Rajni Devi from the post of MTS to Sr. Attendent 08-05-2020Office Order  523.66 KB
478Admn.(P)Order regarding extension of Fellowship of Project Sc,RA-1, SRF and JRF01-05-2020Circular  1.12 MB
479Admn.(R)Appointment of New IEM in CPCB01-05-2020Circular  233.29 KB
480Admn.(P)Circular regarding Contribution to PM-CARES-Fund27-04-2020Circular  261.89 KB
481Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of Covid-1917-04-2020Circular  137.47 KB
482Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of Covid-1912-04-2020Circular  333.72 KB
483Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of Covid-1923-03-2020Circular  216.89 KB
484Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of Covid-1923-03-2020Circular  75.47 KB
485Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of Covid-1920-03-2020Circular  612.07 KB
486Admn.(P)Preventive measures to contain the spread of Covid-1919-03-2020Circular  912.16 KB
487F&A DivisionCircular regarding Income-Tax Deduction from salaries during the Financial Year 2019-2018-03-2020Circular  548.12 KB
488Building DivisionGeneral Instruction/Advisory regarding prevention from Corona Virus17-03-2020Circular  641.67 KB
489Admn.(R)Promotion of Four (4) officials from Junior Technician to Senior Technician17-03-2020Office Order  458.57 KB
490Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Shekhar Chandra from the post of JLA to SLA17-03-2020Office Order  453.99 KB
491Admn.(R)probation clearance of Sh. Om Prakash Shah, JLA17-03-2020Office Order  179.60 KB
492Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Vinod Kumar from the post of SLA to JSA17-03-2020Office Order  492.96 KB
493Admn.(R)Promotion of Two (2) officals from the post of UDC to Assistant17-03-2020Office Order  479.60 KB
494WQM-IIReimbursement of Mobile bills of project staffs working under SER, PIAS & WQM Projects17-03-2020Office Order  239.38 KB
495Admn.(P)Exemption to Employee to mark Bio metric Attendence13-03-2020Circular  314.31 KB
496WM-IINGT Orders related to recommendation no. 27 on clean technology and cleaner production11-03-2020Office Order  462.71 KB
497PCPAdvisory regarding prevention from Corona Virus09-03-2020Circular  262.09 KB
498F&A DivisionIncome Tax deduction circular under Section 192 of Income Tax Act 196105-03-2020Circular  1,011.39 KB
499Admn.(P)Revised Basic Pay after promotion of three (3) officers04-03-2020Office Order  154.54 KB
500Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Debabrata Das, as Scientist B 04-03-2020Office Order  288.88 KB
501Admn.(R)List of Officers (Sc. B) to be considered for promotion under FCS to submit the Performa for Self Assessment by 15.03.2020 03-03-2020Memorandum  774.90 KB
502Admn.(P)Pay fixation of Three (3) officers after promotion to Scientist C28-02-2020Office Order  300.77 KB
503Admn.(P)Pay fixation of Nine (9) officers after promotion to Scientist C27-02-2020Office Order  289.06 KB
504ITImplementation of Backup Server in CPCB26-02-2020Circular  131.19 KB
505Admn.(R)Office order regarding Promotion of 3 Officers under FCS from Scientist B to Scientist C26-02-2020Office Order  866.37 KB
506Admn.(R)Office order regarding Promotion of 3 Officers under FCS from Scientist C to Scientist D26-02-2020Office Order  826.53 KB
507PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List23-02-2020Memorandum  462.53 KB
508WQM-IINon deduction of TDS on fellowship/stipend payable to RA, SRF and JRF engaged in different projects in CPCB18-02-2020Office Order  585.95 KB
509Admn.(P)Pay fixation after promotion to SLA, Assistant and TS18-02-2020Office Order  228.94 KB
510Admn.(P)Pay fixation of Six (6) officers after promotion to Scientist D18-02-2020Office Order  284.19 KB
511Admn.(R)Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. C and Sc.D17-02-2020Memorandum  356.74 KB
512WQM-IITransfer of Dr. Richa Bhardwaj, RA-I from RD Lucknow to WQM-II Division under Namami Gange Programme17-02-2020Office Order  165.91 KB
513Material DivisionRecommendation of brand of Chemicals/Solvents/Standards to be empanelled under Rate Contract12-02-2020Circular  221.39 KB
514Admn.(R)Extension in respect of Project Scientist-I, RA-I, SRF and JRF11-02-2020Circular  253.80 KB
515Admn.(R)Completion of probation period of Three (3) Sc. B's07-02-2020Office Order  227.11 KB
516Admn.(R)Joining of Smt. Neli Naik as Assistant05-02-2020Office Order  673.85 KB
517Admn.(R)Joining of Sh. Tapan Kumar Mukhodhyay as SLA05-02-2020Office Order  700.37 KB
518Admn.(R)Joining of Sh. M P Sharma as Sc. B and Sh. A K Tyagi as Sc. B (Promoted Post)05-02-2020Office Order  358.67 KB
519Admn.(R)Joining of Sh. Mohammad Faisal as SSA and Sh. Vinod Kumar as SSA (Promoted Post)05-02-2020Office Order  366.10 KB
520Admn.(R)Joining of Sh. Rakesh Kumar Ahuja as Technical Supervisor (Promoted Post)05-02-2020Office Order  344.18 KB
521Hindi DivisionTo send Hindi contents/write-up to Hindi Div. for First edition of Annual Hindi Magazine of CPCB04-02-2020Circular  365.75 KB
522PCPAdvisory regarding prevention from Corona Virus04-02-2020Circular  500.98 KB
523Admn.(P)Submission of Annual Property Return04-02-2020Memorandum  178.88 KB
524Admn.(R)Financial Upgradation MACP granted to 48 Employees03-02-2020Office Order  4.54 MB
525Admn.(P)Office Memorandum regarding Extension of CSMA Rules,1944 to the employees after retirement30-01-2020Memorandum  160.09 KB
526Admn.(R)Promotion of 2 officials from JSA to SSA30-01-2020Office Order  772.48 KB
527Admn.(R)Presentation for Promotion of JRF for the post of SRF30-01-2020Memorandum  216.61 KB
528Admn.(P)Order regarding probation clearance of Shri Govind Bhagat, AO 29-01-2020Office Order  613.18 KB
529AQMOM regarding clarification with regard to cut off date for applicability of siting criteria reference in Guidelines for setting up of New Petrol Pumps dated 07.01.202029-01-2020Memorandum  1.58 MB
530Admn.(P)Direction regarding not to sanction any kind of leave to staff till Election is over28-01-2020Circular  263.59 KB
531WM-IIOrder regarding to verify display board while carrying out industry inspection28-01-2020Office Order  233.07 KB
532Admn.(P)Office order regarding Promotion of 9 Officers under FCS from Scientist B to Scientist C28-01-2020Office Order  964.61 KB
533Admn.(P)Office order regarding Promotion of 6 Officers under FCS from Scientist C to Scientist D28-01-2020Office Order  930.86 KB
534Admn.(P)Office order regarding Promotion of Shri Rakesh Ahuja to the post of Technical Supervisor 28-01-2020Office Order  718.36 KB
535Admn.(P)Office order regarding Promotion of 2 officials from SSA to Sc. B 28-01-2020Office Order  792.33 KB
536Admn.(R)List of Officers (Sc. D & Sc. E) to be considered for promotion under FCS to submit the Performa for Self Assessment by 05.02.202024-01-2020Memorandum  535.86 KB
537PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List24-01-2020Memorandum  455.28 KB
538PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List23-01-2020Memorandum  487.00 KB
539Admn.(P)Transfer of Sh. S K Gupta, Sc E and Dr. P K Behera, Sc. E to CPCB HO23-01-2020Office Order  240.88 KB
540Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Arti Bhatia as PS in CPCB HO22-01-2020Office Order  377.21 KB
541Admn.(R)Promotion of Smt. Neli Naik from the post of UDC to Assistant20-01-2020Office Order  696.86 KB
542Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Tapan Kumar Mukhopadhyay from the post of JLA to SLA20-01-2020Office Order  741.00 KB
543Admn.(P)Office Order regarding pay fixation after promotion to SSA, SLA and UDC on 01.01.202020-01-2020Office Order  215.86 KB
544Admn.(P)Update the full particualrs of assets & liabilities on LMS14-01-2020Circular  149.46 KB
545Admn.(P)Transfer of Sh. Subhash, Attendent from Admin.P to Building Division.10-01-2020Office Order  179.50 KB
546Admn.(R)Provisional Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.202008-01-2020Memorandum  2.71 MB
547Admn.(R)Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. C and Sc.D08-01-2020Memorandum  428.19 KB
548Admn.(R)Joining of Smt. Rashmi Thakur as SSA at RD Bhopal03-01-2020Office Order  164.52 KB
549Admn.(R)Joining of their post after promotion of Sh. Promotion of Sh. Rajesh Prasad Shakya, Sh. Pankaj, and Sh. Shailesh Kumar Chadhary03-01-2020Office Order  149.77 KB
550Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Mohd Aqib as STS in CPCB HO03-01-2020Office Order  502.35 KB
551Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Archana Singh as AAO in CPCB HO03-01-2020Office Order  458.20 KB
552HindiSectionAkhil Bhartiya Rajbhasha Vaigyanik Sangoshthi 201902-01-2020Circular  108.46 KB
553Admn.(P)Corrigendum for Promotion order frpm the post of PS to Admin. Officer dated 20.12.201930-12-2019Memorandum  114.30 KB
554HindiSectionMinutes of Meeting of 91st Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee30-12-2019Memorandum  776.33 KB
555Admn.(C)Circular regarding a free Eye Check up camp at CPCB on 08.01.202026-12-2019Circular  55.35 KB
556Admn.(R)List of Officers to be considered for promotion under FCS to submit the Performa for Self Assessment by 27.12.2019 20-12-2019Memorandum  402.97 KB
557Admn.(R)Order regarding completion of probation period of 25 officials19-12-2019Office Order  881.50 KB
558Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Rajesh Prasad Shakya from the post of JLA to SLA19-12-2019Office Order  726.59 KB
559Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Pankaj and Sh. Shailender Kumar from the post of LDC to UDC19-12-2019Office Order  782.19 KB
560Admn.(P)Promotion of Ms. Rashmi Thakur from the post of JSA to SSA18-12-2019Office Order  816.96 KB
561Admn.(P)Contribution towards Contributory Provident Fund (CPF) of Project and Temporary Employees for their past services rendered in CPCB18-12-2019Memorandum  236.37 KB
562Admn.(P)Transfer of Seven (7) Officers17-12-2019Office Order  2.83 MB
563Admn.(R)Joining of Four (4) Promoted Officers as Admin Officer17-12-2019Office Order  839.11 KB
564Hindi Division91th Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee to be held on 17.12.201913-12-2019Memorandum  357.06 KB
565Admn.(R)Promotion Order of 4 Private Secretary (PS)10-12-2019Office Order  799.44 KB
566Admn.(P)Circular for reading of preamble and the Importance of Fundamental Duties05-12-2019Circular  163.51 KB
567Admn.(P)Office Memorandum regarding Assessment Report of Probation Clerance28-11-2019Memorandum  460.51 KB
568Admn.(P)Verification of Service Book by the Employees28-11-2019Circular  166.56 KB
569Admn.(R)Order for Completion of Probation period of Two officials28-11-2019Office Order  351.51 KB
570Admn.(R)Order for Completion of Probation period of Sh. Naman Srivastava28-11-2019Office Order  283.87 KB
571Admn.(P)Circular regarding providing information about Project Employees 27-11-2019Circular  131.70 KB
572Admn.(P)OM regarding schedule for retention, maintenance, reservation and weeding out of Examination Record 20-11-2019Memorandum  299.13 KB
573Admn.(P)Circular regarding Up-gradation of Junior Research Fellow to Senior Research Fellow and List of JRF from HO and RDs18-11-2019Circular  127.17 KB
574Admn.(P)Office Memorandum regarding details of Committees constituted 06-11-2019Memorandum  58.06 KB
575ICCircular regarding Foreign visit of officers from CPCB05-11-2019Circular  47.52 KB
576Admn.(P)Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas - 201930-10-2019Circular  904.42 KB
577AQMCircular regarding Advisory to adopt alternative Modes of travel - reg. 25-10-2019Circular  110.37 KB
578Admn.(P)Circular regarding Non acceptance of Gifts/Articles on occasion of festivals22-10-2019Circular  171.69 KB
579Admn.(P)Cleanliness in the Building -reg.22-10-2019Circular  528.32 KB
580Admn.(P)Transfer of Sh. Harish Chand Maurya, Stenographer from RD Lucknow to HO CPCB22-10-2019Office Order  323.12 KB
581Admn.(C)Visit of Doctors for Annual Medical Checkup for the Group A Officers of CPCB of age 40 years and above 04-10-2019Circular  230.04 KB
582PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List30-09-2019Memorandum  492.12 KB
583Hindi DivisionOffice order ragarding One day training on Hindi26-09-2019Office Order  299.13 KB
584F&A DivisionCircular regarding Income-Tax Deduction from salaries during the Financial Year 2019-2025-09-2019Circular  602.61 KB
585F&A DivisionForm 12BB for submission of Income Details & proof of savings for the Financial Year 2019-2025-09-2019Circular  916.16 KB
586Admn.(P)Transfer of 8 Officials under PIAS project of NGRBA (WQM-II)16-09-2019Office Order  232.13 KB
587Admn.(P)Sh. G Rambabu, Sc. D is assigned the Additional charge of Law Division11-09-2019Office Order  151.34 KB
588Hindi DivisionCircular regarding Programme on the Occasion of Hindi Day on 13-09-201911-09-2019Circular  78.50 KB
589IPC-IIIOffice order about Policy for Levying Environmental Compensation (EC) for Industries04-09-2019Office Order  291.95 KB
590Admn.(P)Sh. J C Babbu, Sc. E is appointed as Liaison Officer & Grievance Redressal Officer for EWS02-09-2019Office Order  262.88 KB
591Admn.(P)Circular regarding House Building Advance (HBA) Rules - 201726-08-2019Circular  3.02 MB
592Admn.(R)Completion of Probation period of Sh. B D Pandey, SSA20-08-2019Circular  275.41 KB
593Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Abhishek Singh as Accounts Assistant in CPCB RD Vadodara19-08-2019Office Order  488.66 KB
594PRRegarding Recommendations for Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar - 202014-08-2019Circular  196.68 KB
595Admn.(C)Extention for the date of Annual Medical Checkup for the Group A Officers of CPCB of age 40 years and above upto 31.08.201909-08-2019Circular  422.01 KB
596Admn.(C)Free Dental checkup camp to be organised at CPCB on 21.08.201909-08-2019Circular  371.40 KB
597Admn.(C)Circular regarding Timely Submission of Medical claims by Employees of CPCB 07-08-2019Circular  95.63 KB
598Material DivisionCircular regarding dispose off obsolete items06-08-2019Circular  516.74 KB
599Hindi DivisionCircular regarding Competition on the Occasion of Hindi Day (on 13-09-2019)05-08-2019Circular  501.63 KB
600Admn.(P)Order of Appointment of Sh. Girish Rattan Bhardwaj as Assistant in CPCB RD Lucknow 05-08-2019Office Order  85.58 KB
601Hindi DivisionCircular regarding details of Hind Pratiyogitaye on the Day of Hindi Day Celebration on 13.09.2019 05-08-2019Office Order  101.80 KB
602PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List30-07-2019Memorandum  493.17 KB
603Admn.(R)Order regarding granting 8 Casual Leave per calender year to Outsourced Employees26-07-2019Office Order  122.96 KB
604Admn.(P)Revised Telephone policy for Sh. R D Pandey, Sr. AO24-07-2019Office Order  151.20 KB
605Admn.(P)Corrigendum for office order dated 20.06.2019 regarding pay fixation under MACP in respect of the employees22-07-2019Memorandum  605.88 KB
606Admn.(R)Revision of Emoluments and other conditions of service for SRF18-07-2019Office Order  98.47 KB
607Admn.(R)Revision of Emoluments and other conditions of service for JRF18-07-2019Office Order  121.06 KB
608Admn.(R)Revision of Emoluments and other conditions of service for RA-I18-07-2019Office Order  125.65 KB
609Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Prashant Bhardwaj as Scientist B in CPCB PO Agra18-07-2019Office Order  422.01 KB
610Admn.(P)Forwarding of Applications for Employment outside CPCB17-07-2019Circular  169.54 KB
611Hindi DivisionMinutes of Meeting of 89th Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee17-07-2019Memorandum  1,018.39 KB
612MS SectionUpdation in the CPIO's List16-07-2019Memorandum  470.40 KB
613Admn.(R)Appointment on Permanent post of Smt. K. M. Uma Devi as MTS16-07-2019Office Order  434.04 KB
614Admn.(R)Appointment on Permanent post of Smt. Siddeshwari Devi as MTS16-07-2019Office Order  459.36 KB
615Material DivisionCustomise use of colour toner cartridges for colour printing16-07-2019Circular  140.21 KB
616PRShort Film Competition and Festival10-07-2019Circular  284.38 KB
617WQM-IIAppointment of Ms. Raj Laxmi as SRF under Namami Gange Programme in CPCB10-07-2019Office Order  315.63 KB
618WQM-IIAppointments of RA-I and RA-II under PIAS Project in CPCB RD Lucknow10-07-2019Office Order  381.87 KB
619WQM-IIAppointment of Two (2) Candidates on the post of JRF under Namami Gange Programme in CPCB10-07-2019Office Order  324.97 KB
620Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh.Avdhesh Tiwari as Assistant Director (Official Language) in CPCB09-07-2019Office Order  496.00 KB
621Building DivisionCircular regarding Fire Alarm & Fire fighting system at CPCB HO Delhi08-07-2019Circular  362.42 KB
622Admn.(P)Constitution of the committee and Guidelines to grant instant compensation to the families of the victims dyeing at public places02-07-2019Office Order  2.65 MB
623Admn.(P)Circular regarding granting instant compensation to the families of the victims dyeing at public places02-07-2019Circular  259.16 KB
624Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of RA-I under PIAS Project in CPCB RD Kolkata 02-07-2019Office Order  388.13 KB
625Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of JRF under PIAS Project in CPCB RD Kolkata 02-07-2019Office Order  346.85 KB
626Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of SRF under PIAS Project in CPCB RD Kolkata 02-07-2019Office Order  295.95 KB
627 Instruction from CCB regarding papers marked for discussion with the Hon'ble MEF - reg.01-07-2019Circular  98.48 KB
628Material DivisionCircular regarding furnishing of Research Activities for Renewal of Registration with DST/DSIR28-06-2019Circular  2.04 MB
629Admn.(P)Extention for the date of Annual Medical Checkup for the Group A Officers of CPCB of age 40 years and above upto 21.07.201927-06-2019Circular  434.30 KB
630Admn.(P)Transfer of 14 nos. of Scientist B from Regional Directorates to Head Office, Delhi27-06-2019Office Order  527.67 KB
631ETUCircular regarding giving training to the students of Engineering Colleges/Universities in Winter and Summer24-06-2019Circular  191.35 KB
632Admn.(P)Regarding opening of Three(3) new Regional Directorates20-06-2019Memorandum  207.51 KB
633Admn.(P)Regarding Transfer of Seven (7) Officers 20-06-2019Office Order  324.59 KB
634Admn.(P)Additional Charge of Admin. Material with Admin. Coord. to Sh. Ashok Kashyap (Admin. Officer)20-06-2019Office Order  66.16 KB
635Admn.(P)Office Order regarding pay fixation of promoted JSA, SLA and Sr. Attendant 20-06-2019Office Order  225.70 KB
636Admn.(P)Office order regarding pay fixation under MACP Scheme order dated 09.05.201920-06-2019Office Order  364.67 KB
637Admn.(P)New Nomination of Quality Manager, Deputy Quality Manager, Technical Manager and Deputy Technical Manager in HO CPCB 19-06-2019Office Order  212.74 KB
638Admn.(R)Final Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.201918-06-2019Memorandum  835.99 KB
639Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Yogesh Chandra as Scientist B in CPCB RD Lucknow17-06-2019Office Order  444.30 KB
640Admn.(P)Delegation of Power (DoP) as on 07.06.201907-06-2019Memorandum  3.35 MB
641Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Anantha N.S. as SSA in CPCB RD Vadodara07-06-2019Office Order  464.40 KB
642Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Abhineet Krishna Varshney as Accounts Assistant in CPCB RD Kolkata07-06-2019Office Order  463.03 KB
643Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Jivender Kumar as Accounts Assistant in CPCB RD Lucknow07-06-2019Office Order  460.94 KB
644Admn.(P)Circular regarding World Environment Day 2019 Programme at Ashoka Hotel on June 06, 201903-06-2019Circular  347.98 KB
645Admn.(P)Revision of Delegation of Power (DoP) as on 30.05.201930-05-2019Memorandum  3.50 MB
646Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Surender Singh Shekhawat as Driver (Ordinary grade) in CPCB28-05-2019Office Order  510.96 KB
647Admn.(P)Pay fixation of Sh. R D Pandey, Sr. AO27-05-2019Office Order  175.41 KB
648Admn.(R)Joining order of 6 offficials after promotion24-05-2019Office Order  793.80 KB
649Admn.(R)REMINDER - List of Officers to be considered for promotion under MFCS to submit the Performa for Self Assessment by 07.06.201924-05-2019Memorandum  200.73 KB
650Admn.(R)Joining of Sh. R D Pandey for Sr. AO Post in CPCB23-05-2019Office Order  653.84 KB
651Admn.(P)Annual Medical Examination for the Group A Officers of CPCB of age 40 years and above21-05-2019Circular  228.80 KB
652Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Gautam Kumar Sharma as Scientst B in CPCB15-05-2019Office Order  440.12 KB
653Admn.(R)Office order regarding financial upgradation under MACP Scheme09-05-2019Office Order  2.89 MB
654Building DivisionInstructions for Driving to Drivers in CPCB09-05-2019Office Order  212.55 KB
655PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List08-05-2019Memorandum  512.94 KB
656Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of RA-I and RA-II in WQM-II Division under PIAS Project in CPCB08-05-2019Office Order  321.18 KB
657Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Sr. Research Fellows in WQM-II Division under PIAS Project in CPCB08-05-2019Office Order  301.06 KB
658Admn.(R)Order for promotion of three officials from SLA to JSA07-05-2019Office Order  841.12 KB
659Admn.(R)Order regarding completion of probation period of four (4) officials07-05-2019Office Order  421.93 KB
660Admn.(R)Order for promotion of two officials from JLA to SLA07-05-2019Office Order  821.40 KB
661Admn.(R)Order for promotion of Smt. Prabhamani, MTS to Sr. Attendent 07-05-2019Office Order  736.74 KB
662Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Nirali Verma as Scientst B in CPCB07-05-2019Office Order  467.06 KB
663Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. R.D. Pandey from the post of Admn. Officer to Sr. Administrator Officer30-04-2019Office Order  51.27 KB
664Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of three Sc. B on Consolidated Salary under NGRBA Programme in CPCB 30-04-2019Office Order  68.11 KB
665Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Sr. Research Fellows in WQM-II Division under PIAS Project in CPCB 30-04-2019Office Order  87.20 KB
666Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of RA-I and RA-II in WQM-II Division under PIAS Project in CPCB 30-04-2019Office Order  118.65 KB
667Admn.(P)Office order regarding transfer and posting of CPCB officials in Public Interest 30-04-2019Office Order  250.66 KB
668Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Shri Saket Kumar as Scientst B in CPCB 29-04-2019Office Order  444.06 KB
669Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Shri Anurag Sharma as Scientst B in CPCB 29-04-2019Office Order  420.38 KB
670Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Shri Arvind Kumar as Scientst B in CPCB 29-04-2019Office Order  423.94 KB
671Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Shri Rishabh Srivastava as Scientst B in CPCB 29-04-2019Office Order  428.44 KB
672Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Shri Sayed M. Bilai as Scientst B in CPCB 29-04-2019Office Order  428.26 KB
673Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Shri Toufic Aslam as Scientst B in CPCB 29-04-2019Office Order  418.08 KB
674Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Shri Vinay Prabhakar as Scientst B in CPCB 29-04-2019Office Order  425.34 KB
675Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Shri Yashpal Yadav as Scientst B in CPCB 29-04-2019Office Order  419.55 KB
676Admn.(P)Submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) forms for the period from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 latest by 30.06.201924-04-2019Memorandum  630.82 KB
677Admn.(R)List of Officers to be considered for promotion under MFCS to submit the Performa for Self Assessment by 13.05.201923-04-2019Memorandum  444.79 KB
678Admn.(R)Order for Appointment of Shri Prashant Kumar Sharma as Assistant in CPCB 18-04-2019Office Order  466.96 KB
679Admn.(R)Appointment of Dr. Ranu Chouksey Verma as Sc. B at CPCB RD Bhopal10-04-2019Office Order  109.87 KB
680Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Sahil Patel at Sc. B at CPCB RD - Bengaluru10-04-2019Circular  56.10 KB
681Admn.(P)Constitution of the Voter's Awareness Forum in CPCB26-03-2019Circular  586.14 KB
682Hindi DivisionOfficer order regarding 88th Hindi Baithak22-03-2019Office Order  360.66 KB
683Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding salary/pay fixation of officer which are Promoted from from Sc. D to Sc. E20-03-2019Office Order  271.93 KB
684Admn.(P)Transfer of Ms. Garima Sharma and Sh. Shriance Jain20-03-2019Office Order  326.98 KB
685Admn.(P)Salary/pay fixation of Smt. Garima Sharma and Smt. T. Mahima after Promotion to Sc. D20-03-2019Office Order  216.64 KB
686ETU Circular regarding giving training to the students of Engineering Colleges/Universities19-03-2019Circular  214.87 KB
687MS SectionCircular for incorporation of integrity pact in the EOI/contract for compliance. 18-03-2019Circular  401.10 KB
688Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Virendra Bansal from the post of Assistant Account Officer to Account Officer13-03-2019Office Order  305.13 KB
689Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. M. Srinivas Rao from the post of Account Assistant to Assistant Account Officer in RD Bengaluru13-03-2019Office Order  722.34 KB
690Admn.(R)Completion of Probation period of 15 Officers13-03-2019Office Order  490.41 KB
691Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Nardeo Singh from the post of Account Assistant to Assistant Account Officer13-03-2019Office Order  332.20 KB
692Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Satyavir Singh from the post of Technical Supervisor to Senior Technical Supervisor13-03-2019Office Order  312.95 KB
693Hindi DivisionTo Provide Hindi Content/lekh for publication in Hindi Magazine13-03-2019Circular  235.60 KB
694Hindi DivisionCircular regarding Hindi Patrika13-03-2019Circular  232.56 KB
695Admn.(R)List of Officers to be considered for promotion under MFCS to submit the Performa for Self Assessment by 06-04-201907-03-2019Memorandum  345.23 KB
696Building DivisionOffice Order Regarding Telephone policy of Sc. B, Sc. C and AO27-02-2019Office Order  446.92 KB
697Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Basant Shubhankar as Sr. Scientific Asstt. in AIr lab at CPCB, Delhi 19-02-2019Office Order  112.06 KB
698Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Maneesh N. as Sr. Scientific Asstt. in Instrumentation Lab at CPCB, Delhi19-02-2019Office Order  118.27 KB
699Admn.(R)Appointment of Dr. Ranu Chouksey Verma as Sr. Scientific Asstt. in AIr lab at CPCB, RD Vadodara19-02-2019Office Order  117.10 KB
700Admn.(R)Appointment on Permanent post of Sh. Kamal Kumar as MTS 19-02-2019Office Order  235.74 KB
701Admn.(R)Appointment on Permanent post of Sh. Surender Kumar Bhatia as MTS 19-02-2019Office Order  215.68 KB
702Admn.(R)Appointment on Permanent post of Sh. Rajender Kumar Pandey as MTS 19-02-2019Office Order  212.44 KB
703Admn.(R)Inviting suggestions/modifications in CPCB's Draft Recruitment Rules dated 15.02.201915-02-2019Circular  53.45 KB
704Admn.(R)CPCB's Draft Recruitment Rules for inviting suggestions dated 15.02.201915-02-2019Memorandum  760.53 KB
705Admn.(R)Promotion of 12 Officers under FCS from Scientist D to Scientist E11-02-2019Office Order  1.76 MB
706Admn.(P)Timely payment to the Contractors/Suppliers/Service Providers preventive measures06-02-2019Memorandum  340.37 KB
707Admn.(R)Provisional Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.201905-02-2019Memorandum  5.73 MB
708Admn.(P)Utilize the Administrative and Financial Powers delegated to Divisional Heads04-02-2019Circular  194.94 KB
709Admn.(R)Transfer of Sh. Shiv Pratap Raghuvanshi, Sc. D from RD Kolkata to CPCB HO Delhi30-01-2019Office Order  190.46 KB
710Admn.(P)Circular for Information of CPCB employess to be sent to Chief Election Office 24-01-2019Circular  142.32 KB
711Admn.(P)Submission of APAR to Admin. P Division - A Reminder24-01-2019Memorandum  760.50 KB
712Admn.(P)Appointment of Sh. Bhagwat Singh Shahi as DEO-II in PR Division23-01-2019Office Order  144.15 KB
713Admn.(R)Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. E22-01-2019Memorandum  71.06 KB
714BuildingSectionOffice Order regarding Telephone facility18-01-2019Office Order  135.82 KB
715Admn.(R)Corrigendum regarding office order dated 28.12.201816-01-2019Memorandum  59.27 KB
716Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Abhinav Dengri for the post of JRF under Namami Gange Programme15-01-2019Office Order  76.66 KB
717Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Narender Kumar as JLA in CPCB14-01-2019Office Order  241.28 KB
718Admn.(P)salary/pay fixation of officer which are Promoted from from Sc. C to Sc. D09-01-2019Office Order  116.00 KB
719Admn.(P)Timely payment to the Contractors/Suppliers/Service Providers08-01-2019Memorandum  328.45 KB
720Hindi DivisionMinutes of Meeting of 87th Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee07-01-2019Memorandum  1.32 MB
721PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List07-01-2019Memorandum  344.49 KB
722Bio LabRevised Schedule for split Internal Audit of central Laboratories of CPCB07-01-2019Circular  192.44 KB
723Admn.(P)salary/pay fixation of officer which are Promoted from from Sc. B to Sc. C07-01-2019Office Order  194.02 KB
724Admn.(P)Circular regarding submission of Immovable property returns latest by 31.01.201903-01-2019Circular  395.93 KB
725Admn.(P)Transfer of Sh. Om Prakash Shah, JLA from Bio Lab. to RD Kolkata01-01-2019Office Order  175.86 KB
726Admn.(P)Transfer of Six officers in CPCB Head Office01-01-2019Office Order  283.16 KB
727Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Manoj Sharma on the post of MTS cum Driver in HO Delhi31-12-2018Office Order  378.27 KB
728Admn.(R)Appointment of Two (2) Candidates on the post of SRF under Namami Gange Programme28-12-2018Office Order  362.65 KB
729Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Chitransh Dua on the post of JRF under Namami Gange Programme28-12-2018Office Order  347.98 KB
730Admn.(P)Pay Fixation after Financial Upgradation of Officials under the MACP Scheme in CPCB28-12-2018Office Order  394.93 KB
731Admn.(R)Financial Upgradation of Officials under the MACP Scheme in CPCB27-12-2018Office Order  665.81 KB
732Admn.(P)Organising 87th Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee26-12-2018Memorandum  93.40 KB
733Admn.(R)Appointment of Ms. Anubhuti Chawla as LDC in CPCB26-12-2018Office Order  434.85 KB
734Building DivisionOrder regarding providing Car requisition slip on time 21-12-2018Office Order  242.33 KB
735Admn.(P)Completion of Probation period of two officials21-12-2018Office Order  299.72 KB
736Admn.(P)Probation period deferred of Sh. V K Upadhyay, Sc. B21-12-2018Office Order  76.87 KB
737Admn.(P)Order for Promotion under FCS of Officers from Scientist B to Scientist C20-12-2018Office Order  433.77 KB
738Admn.(P)Order for Promotion under FCS of Officers from Scientist C to Scientist D20-12-2018Office Order  563.24 KB
739Admn.(P)Appointment of Sh. Sant Ram as LDC in CPCB20-12-2018Office Order  232.35 KB
740Admn.(P)Appointment of Sh. Manjeet as LDC in CPCB20-12-2018Office Order  217.56 KB
741Admn.(P)Posting of Sh. Suresh Chandra Sharma, DEO-Grade-I in F & A division.14-12-2018Office Order  237.68 KB
742Bio LabRevised office order regarding Internal Audit of CPCB14-12-2018Office Order  510.92 KB
743Bio LabSubmission of their Regular staff details related to training on Internal Audit of Labs07-12-2018Circular  208.42 KB
744Admn.(R)Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. C and Sc.D04-12-2018Memorandum  613.23 KB
745ETUCircular regarding giving training to the students of Engineering Colleges/Universities for winter29-11-2018Circular  75.97 KB
746PCPUpdation in the CPIO's List28-11-2018Memorandum  143.02 KB
747Bio LabRevised office order regarding Internal Audit of CPCB22-11-2018Office Order  238.28 KB
748F&A DivisionGST Registration no. for all suppliers/vendors13-11-2018Memorandum  68.29 KB
749Admn.(P)Transfer of three officers in CPCB05-11-2018Office Order  115.29 KB
750Admn.(P)Transfer of Sh. Sunil Kumar, Attendent from Admin. P Division to Instrumentation Lab 05-11-2018Office Order  188.43 KB
751Admn.(P)Transfers and postings made in Public Interest02-11-2018Office Order  56.51 KB
752Admn.(P)Circular regarding Non acceptance of Gifts/Articles on occasion of festivals02-11-2018Circular  142.24 KB
753Admn.(P)Verification of Service Books by the emplloyees31-10-2018Circular  163.29 KB
754Admn.(P)Smt. DIvya Sinha, Sc. E nominated as Nodal Officer to interact with Ind. External Monitor of CPCB30-10-2018Office Order  86.78 KB
755Admn.(P)Transfer of Smt. Kamlesh Kumari, Sr. Attendent from Admin. (Official Language) Div. to to IPC V Div.22-10-2018Office Order  204.80 KB
756Accounts SectionGST Registration no. only for the purpose of TDS under GSTR22-10-2018Memorandum  71.11 KB
757Bio LabNABL Accreditation Certificate to Central Laboratory, CPCB, Delhi in discipline of Chemical and Biological Testing18-10-2018Circular  15.01 MB
758RD BangaluruNABL Accreditation Certificate & Scope of Accreditation of RD(S) Bengaluru Laboratory03-10-2018Circular  372.12 KB
759Admn.(P)Circular regarding Prize Distribution ceremony of the Annual sports meet Ebullience - 201828-09-2018Circular  171.99 KB
760Admn.(P)Office order regarding appointment of Sh. Dinesh Joshi, Driver from Building Div. to MS car Duty26-09-2018Office Order  114.80 KB
761Instrumentation LabOffice Order regarding responsibility of receiving samples from various divisions of CPCB/RDs20-09-2018Office Order  38.11 KB
762Admn.(R)Vacant posts on Deputation basis20-09-2018Circular  209.82 KB
763Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Krishan Kumar Gupta as Assistant Law Office in CPCB18-09-2018Office Order  254.35 KB
764Admn.(P)Delegation of Administrative and Financial powers17-09-2018Memorandum  355.12 KB
765Admn.(P)Transfer of Sh. Devi prasad, SLA from Bio Lab. to Air Lab.17-09-2018Office Order  47.20 KB
766Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Satendra Giri as JLA in CPCB17-09-2018Office Order  116.64 KB
767Hindi DivisionCircular regarding Programme on the Occasion of Hindi Day (on 14-09-2018)12-09-2018Circular  72.29 KB
768NRTOLOffice Order regarding assigning responsibility of sample receiving the sample from various divisions of CPCB for Analysis in Trace Organic Lab07-09-2018Office Order  272.86 KB
769BioLabDecentralization of Central Sample Receiving Section (CSRS) - New Sample receiving formats07-09-2018Circular  11.79 MB
770 Office Order Regarding revised Telephone policy of Group A officers06-09-2018Office Order  128.63 KB
771WQM-IIOffice Order Regarding Appointment of Four (4) Candidates on the post of JRF under Namami Gange Programme04-09-2018Office Order  219.31 KB
772Hindi DivisionThird Circular regarding Competition on the Occasion of Hindi Day (on 14-09-2018)04-09-2018Circular  146.70 KB
773WQM-IIOffice Order Regarding Appointment of Two (2) Candidates on the post of SRF under Namami Gange Programme04-09-2018Office Order  202.92 KB
774Accounts SectionCircular and Form 12BB regarding Income-Tax Deduction from salaries during the Financial Year 2018-1903-09-2018Circular  1.35 MB
775AQMTransfer of Smt. Meetu Puri (SSA) from AQM Division to WM-III Division in CPCB HO Delhi31-08-2018Office Order  45.58 KB
776Admn.(P)Transfer of Sh. Ravi Charan, UDC from Admin. Coordination Div. to to WQM-I Div.29-08-2018Office Order  175.61 KB
777Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Transfer of Dr. Sarvesh Rai (Sc. C) from WQM-II Div. HO Delhi to RD Lucknow27-08-2018Office Order  134.01 KB
778Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Five (05) JRFs under Namami Gange Programme24-08-2018Office Order  318.30 KB
779Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Mohit Aggarwal as SRF under Namami Gange Programme24-08-2018Office Order  306.27 KB
780Admn.(P)Circular regarding Holiday on the occasion of EID-UL-AZHA on 22.08.201821-08-2018Circular  77.45 KB
781Hindi DivisionSecond Circular regarding Competition on the Occasion of Hindi Day (on 14-09-2018)14-08-2018Circular  312.20 KB
782Admn.(R)Completion of Probation period of Sh. Praveen Kumar (FA) and Sh. Mahesh (Attendent)08-08-2018Office Order  154.12 KB
783Admn.(R)Promotion of Smt. Gargi Goyal from the post of JLA to SLA08-08-2018Office Order  233.82 KB
784Hindi DivisionFirst Circular regarding Competition on the Occasion of Hindi Day (on 14-09-2018)02-08-2018Circular  138.72 KB
785Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Promotion of Sh. Kadiwal Ambasen Daoodbhai from the post of JLA to SLA 01-08-2018Office Order  204.40 KB
786Admn.(P)Circular regarding Apply of CL/RH/EL/HPL through Online Mode for CPCB Regional Directorates30-07-2018Circular  81.52 KB
787PCPOffice order regarding Reconstitution of Standing Finance Committee and Scientific and Technical Evaluation Committee26-07-2018Office Order  69.69 KB
788Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfer of Two officials in CPCB HO26-07-2018Office Order  263.79 KB
789Admn.(R)REMINDER 2 - Submission of Performa for Self Assessment under FCS16-07-2018Circular  1.60 MB
790Admn.(P)Circular regarding Appointment of New MS in CPCB12-07-2018Circular  63.88 KB
791Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfer of Five officers in CPCB, dated 10.07.201810-07-2018Office Order  128.00 KB
792Hindi DivisionMinutes of Meeting of 85th Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee29-06-2018Memorandum  854.78 KB
793Admn.(R)REMINDER - Submission of Performa for Self Assessment under FCS 28-06-2018Circular  182.08 KB
794LawOffice Order regarding Transfer of Sh. Jasram Singh, Sr. Attendent from Law section to WM-II Division25-06-2018Office Order  190.92 KB
795Material DivisionCircular regarding Making a Sectional Register for Stationary items issued by Material Division21-06-2018Circular  61.06 KB
796MS SectionAdvertisement of Tender Notice in Newspapers13-06-2018Circular  126.35 KB
797Admn.(P)Regarding Application of CL and EL through Online Mode08-06-2018Circular  141.23 KB
798Material DivisionRegarding disposal of obsolete items 07-06-2018Circular  280.24 KB
799Admn.(P)Invitation for Plenary session on June 05, 2018 at Vigyan Bhawan05-06-2018Circular  43.93 KB
800Admn.(P)Circular regarding WED 2018 Events organized by MoEF&CC at Vigyan Bhawan31-05-2018Circular  45.79 KB
801Admn.(R)List of Officers to be considered for promotion under MFCS to submit the Performa for Self Assessment by 08-06-201825-05-2018Circular  276.57 KB
802Admn.(R)Blank Proforma for Self Assessment of Scientists to be considered for promotion under FCS21-05-2018Circular  165.63 KB
803Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Narsingh Shahi from the post of Attendent to Sr. Attendent 21-05-2018Office Order  379.49 KB
804Hindi DivisionCompletion of Probation period of various officials21-05-2018Office Order  493.63 KB
805ETUCircular Regarding Nomination for Training Programmes for Officials of CPCB and others for the year 2018-201921-05-2018Circular  4.82 MB
806Admn.(R)Office Memorandum regarding completion of APARs - A time bound Reminder15-05-2018Circular  80.35 KB
807Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Shashank Dixit as Field Assistant. under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, RD Kolkata10-05-2018Office Order  100.93 KB
808Admn.(R)Visit of Dr. Nageshwar Chaudhary from Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital on Reports of Annual Medical Examination for the Group A Officers 09-05-2018Circular  383.56 KB
809Accounts DivisionOffice Order Regarding reconstitution of Scientific & Technical Evaluation Committee 08-05-2018Office Order  73.82 KB
810Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Rajendra Singh as SO in CPCB on Deputation Basis, dated 07.05.201807-05-2018Office Order  266.89 KB
811 Circular regarding issue of Directions under EP Act in Hindi Language05-05-2018Circular  240.65 KB
812Hindi DivisionCircular regarding Ban of Plastic use in CPCB04-05-2018Circular  109.82 KB
813Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding salary/pay fixation on Promotion of Sh. Debapriya Banerjee, to the post of STS 03-05-2018Office Order  124.46 KB
814Hindi DivisionMinutes of Meeting of 84th Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee20-04-2018Memorandum  383.82 KB
815Admn.(P)Reimbursement in respect of News papers purchase / supplied to officers at their residence - guidelines regarding19-04-2018Memorandum  623.88 KB
816Admn.(R)Grant of permission for treatment of Central Government employees and the member of their family in any of the hospital recognised by the State Government/CGHS Rules/CS (MA) Rules, 194418-04-2018Circular  288.94 KB
817Building DivisionCircular Regarding Telephone facility18-04-2018Circular  54.18 KB
818 Office Order regarding Running of CPCB Canteen and providing catering sevices,17-04-2018Office Order  61.46 KB
819Admn.(R)Extention for the date of Annual Medical Checkup for the Group A Officers of CPCB of age 40 years and above16-04-2018Circular  166.62 KB
820Admn.(R)Final Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.201813-04-2018Memorandum  2.50 MB
821Hindi DivisionCircular regarding Implementation of the Official Language Gaurav Award Scheme, 2017 for writing original book in Hindi10-04-2018Circular  547.01 KB
822Admn.(P)Office Memorandum regarding completion of APARs09-04-2018Memorandum  214.81 KB
823Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sc. B under NGRBA Programme 04-04-2018Office Order  147.27 KB
824Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Probation period clearance of two officials for the post of Sr. Scientific Assistant27-03-2018Office Order  53.49 KB
825Admn.(R)Office Order regarding promotion of two officials from Technical Supervisor to Sr. Technical Supervisor 27-03-2018Office Order  51.76 KB
826Admn.(R)Annual Medical Examination for the Group A Officers of CPCB of age 40 years and above 27-03-2018Circular  305.38 KB
827PCP, PR Div.Online Booking of Conference Hall/ Training Hall for in-house meetings in CPCB26-03-2018Circular  41.27 KB
828Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Suneel Dave as Liaison Officer for OBC Category in CPCB19-03-2018Office Order  80.84 KB
829Hindi DivisionOffice Memorandum Regarding Investing a definite amount of Money for printing advertisement in Regional language and in Hindi language16-03-2018Memorandum  233.06 KB
830ETUCircular regarding giving training to the students of Engineering Colleges/Universities09-03-2018Circular  49.16 KB
831Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding salary/pay fixation of officer which are Promoted from from Sc. D to Sc. E05-03-2018Office Order  95.89 KB
832ITCircular Regarding CAMC of Laptops, Desktops, Printers, Scanners and UPSes27-02-2018Circular  46.03 KB
833Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding salary/pay fixation on Promotion of Sh. B R Naidu, under FCS26-02-2018Office Order  129.73 KB
834Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding salary/pay fixation on Promotion of Sh. Paritosh Kumar, under FCS26-02-2018Office Order  139.09 KB
835Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Vrinder Kumar as JLA in CPCB, dated 26.02.201826-02-2018Office Order  103.24 KB
836Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Promotion of 2 officers from Sc. E to Sc. F under FCS21-02-2018Office Order  325.81 KB
837Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Promotion of 3 officers from Sc. D to Sc. E under FCS21-02-2018Office Order  307.59 KB
838Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfer of Sh. Inderjeet Kakkar, Assistant from CCB section to Admin.P Division21-02-2018Office Order  339.05 KB
839Admn.(R)Appointment of Sh. Basant Shudhakar as Sr. Scientific Assistant in Air Lab at CPCB, Delhi19-02-2018Office Order  112.06 KB
840Hindi DivisionCircular regarding to make Focus points more strong and effective to Implement Rules & Regulation of Rajbhasha in MoEF&CC16-02-2018Circular  1.29 MB
841Admn.(R)Office order regarding Corrigendum of Sh. Abhay Kumar Choubey, A/c Assistant in RD Kolkata 15-02-2018Office Order  34.62 KB
842Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Mr. Sheelendra Singh as Field Asst. under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, RD Kolkata15-02-2018Office Order  53.08 KB
843Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Ms. Meetali Sharma as Taxonomist under NGRBA Programme in CPCB01-02-2018Office Order  56.63 KB
844Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Mr. Abhay Kumar Choubey as Account Assiatant under NGRBA Programme in CPCB01-02-2018Office Order  55.49 KB
845Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Mr. Antim Kumar Saroj as Field Assistant under NGRBA Programme in CPCB01-02-2018Office Order  53.54 KB
846Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfer of Sh. S K Anand as PS to CCB in CCB Section30-01-2018Office Order  238.00 KB
847Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding taking charge of Technical Manager, Deputy Quality Manager & Quality Manager in CPCB29-01-2018Office Order  263.68 KB
848Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfer /Taking Charge after Superannuation of officers in CPCB, dated 28.11.1725-01-2018Office Order  76.82 KB
849AQ Lab-ICircular regarding completion of Audit of Laboratories and congrats to officers25-01-2018Circular  395.38 KB
850Admn.(R)List of outsourced Employees working in CPCB24-01-2018Circular  2.48 MB
851Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfer of Two officers in CPCB24-01-2018Office Order  159.56 KB
852Admn.(P)Circular regarding addition of Football Event in Sports events(Fill Registration Form) in CPCB22-01-2018Circular  101.61 KB
853Admn.(P)Circular regarding Organizing Sports events(Fill Registration Form) during the month of Jan & Feb, 2018 in CPCB, dated 29.12.201718-01-2018Circular  158.50 KB
854Material DivisionCircular regarding giving information for purchasing material at least 15 days before to material Division17-01-2018Circular  50.91 KB
855Material DivisionCircular regarding Making a Sectional Register for Stationary items issued by Material Division16-01-2018Circular  60.77 KB
856Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. OM Prakash Shaw as JLA in CPCB15-01-2018Office Order  430.75 KB
857Admn.(R)Office Memorandum regarding Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. E and Sc.F, dated 15.12.201711-01-2018Memorandum  91.45 KB
858Hindi DivisionOffice Memorandum Regarding Minutes of Meeting of 83rd Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee, dated 01.01.201809-01-2018Memorandum  489.67 KB
859Admn.(R)Provisional Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.201805-01-2018Memorandum  1.22 MB
860Admn.(P) Circular regarding submission of Immovable property return latest by 31.01.2018, dated 04.01.201804-01-2018Circular  665.74 KB
861Admn.(P)Circular regarding Visit of Secretary of MoEFCC in CPCB on 04.01.2018, dated 03.01.201803-01-2018Circular  245.12 KB
862Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Bodhisatwa Mondal as JLA in CPCB, dated 03.01.201803-01-2018Office Order  372.85 KB
863Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Pankaj Agarwal as Sc. E in CPCB, dated 03.01.201803-01-2018Office Order  62.34 KB
864Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Anand Bhimrao Salve as JSA in CPCB, dated 03.01.201803-01-2018Office Order  96.59 KB
865Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Mayank Nimbark as JLA in CPCB, dated 03.01.201803-01-2018Office Order  95.85 KB
866Admn.(P)Circular regarding Organizing Sports events during the month of Jan & Feb, 2018 in CPCB, dated 29.12.201729-12-2017Circular  273.76 KB
867Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Ms. Pooja Sinha as Taxonomist under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, dated 29.12.201729-12-2017Office Order  185.07 KB
868Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Mr. Mrinal Yadav & MD Mushtak Alam as Account Assistant under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, dated 29.12.201729-12-2017Office Order  209.88 KB
869Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Constitution of Sports Organizing Committee in CPCB, dated 29.12.201729-12-2017Office Order  293.02 KB
870Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Constitution of Sports Purchase Committee in CPCB, dated 29.12.201729-12-2017Office Order  162.67 KB
871Accounts SectionOffice Order regarding Modification in Standing Finance Committee in CPCB, dated 21.12.201721-12-2017Office Order  115.01 KB
872Accounts SectionCircular and Form 12BB for submission of Income Details & proof of savings for the Financial Year 2017-1820-12-2017Circular  1.19 MB
873Admn.(R)Office Memorandum regarding Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB for the post of Sc. E and Sc.F, dated 15.12.201715-12-2017Office Order  44.94 KB
874 Circular regarding giving information to reception prior to conduct any meeting with outsiders in CPCB, dated 14.12.201714-12-2017Circular  39.83 KB
875Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Alok Kumar Meher as JSA in CPCB, dated 14.12.201714-12-2017Office Order  95.21 KB
876Admn.(P)Circular regarding Introductory meeting of Internal complaint committee on sexual harasssment of women at workplace in CPCB, dated 11.12.201711-12-2017Circular  22.97 KB
877Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Naveen Kumar as Field Assistant under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, dated 01.12.201701-12-2017Office Order  59.70 KB
878Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Ms. Preity Vashishth as Office Assistant under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, dated 01.12.201701-12-2017Office Order  60.11 KB
879Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Sumit Ujjwal as Field Assistant under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, dated 01.12.201701-12-2017Office Order  60.78 KB
880Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Mr. Gour Kanti Chandra as Office Assistant under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, dated 01.12.201701-12-2017Office Order  68.26 KB
881Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Shashikant Mishra as Field Assistant under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, dated 01.12.201701-12-2017Office Order  57.56 KB
882Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Amit Kumar Sagar as JLA in CPCB RD Lucknow, dated 29.11.1729-11-2017Office Order  365.24 KB
883Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Pradeep Kumar as JLA in CPCB RD Lucknow, dated 29.11.1729-11-2017Office Order  380.64 KB
884Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Ms. Alfa Monika Lakra as JLA in CPCB RD Bhopal, dated 29.11.1729-11-2017Office Order  369.65 KB
885Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Pawan Kumar Singh as JLA in CPCB, dated 29.11.1729-11-2017Office Order  282.91 KB
886Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Ashish Kumar as JLA in CPCB, dated 29.11.1729-11-2017Office Order  363.32 KB
887Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfer of four officers in CPCB, dated 28.11.1728-11-2017Office Order  201.65 KB
888ETUOffice Order Regarding In houseTraining Programme of 11 officials in CPCB, dated 28.11.1728-11-2017Office Order  294.51 KB
889Admn.(R)Correction Order regarding Mis spell in the name of Ms. Tennati Sudha, Appointed in Account Division, CPCB, dated 24.11.1724-11-2017Office Order  261.75 KB
890Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Nomination of Sh. V. K. Shukla (Scientist 'D') to attend the Second meeting of Expert group on Future development of Male Declaration at Kathmandu, Nepal during 28-30 Nov 2017, dated 124.11.201724-11-2017Office Order  91.45 KB
891Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Danish Meena as Sc.B in CPCB, dated 23.11.201723-11-2017Office Order  397.06 KB
892Admn.(P)Circular regarding Laboratory Assessment under NABL by the officers of CPCB, dated 22.11.201722-11-2017Circular  294.81 KB
893 Circular regarding Submission of Tour Ticket Application, atleast 15-30 days before to Building division dated 22.11.201722-11-2017Circular  144.91 KB
894Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Ms. Tinneti Sudha as AAO in CPCB, dated 22.11.1722-11-2017Office Order  431.81 KB
895 Circular regarding Exhibition on National Pollution Prevention Day (2nd December 2017), dated 21.11.201721-11-2017Circular  158.71 KB
896 Circular regarding Interaction by CPCB Officers with Foreign Missions/Foreign Organizations/Journalists, etc, dated 20.11.201720-11-2017Circular  43.61 KB
897 Office Order regarding Running of CPCB Canteen and providing catering sevices, dated 16.11.1716-11-2017Office Order  159.86 KB
898Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Manoj Kumar Yadav as JLA in CPCB, dated 09.11.1709-11-2017Office Order  91.06 KB
899Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Jagjeevan Ram as JLA in CPCB, dated 09.11.1709-11-2017Office Order  90.04 KB
900Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Rahul Kumar as JLA in CPCB, dated 09.11.1709-11-2017Office Order  92.09 KB
901Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Debdeep Koner as JLA in CPCB, dated 09.11.1709-11-2017Office Order  95.21 KB
902Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Nikhil Y Kumar as JLA in CPCB, dated 09.11.1709-11-2017Office Order  101.15 KB
903Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Smt. Parul Rathi as SHT in CPCB, dated 07.11.1707-11-2017Office Order  92.60 KB
904Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfer of three officers in CPCB, dated 06.11.1706-11-2017Office Order  81.39 KB
905 Office Memorandum Regarding tree plantation around the inner boundaries of CPCB, dated 03.11.1703-11-2017Memorandum  52.36 KB
906Admn.(P) Circular regarding Affordable housing -New schemes in Delhi NCR & Mumbai MMR for Govt. Officials & families, dated 31.10.201731-10-2017Circular  81.15 KB
907 Circular regarding Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Divas (National Unity Day) on 31.10.2017 in CPCB27-10-2017Circular  1.47 MB
908Law-ICircular regarding Reimbursement of Bills to the Expert Members appointed under various Committees by the Hon'ble NGT, dated 26.10.1726-10-2017Circular  82.10 KB
909 Circular regarding Provide information during ticket booking for going on official tour/inspection/Monitoring , dated 25.10.1725-10-2017Circular  369.41 KB
910Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Amit Kumar Sharma as JSA in CPCB, dated 24.10.1724-10-2017Office Order  49.06 KB
911Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Samrath Ninama as JSA in CPCB, dated 24.10.1724-10-2017Office Order  48.40 KB
912Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. C. Sudhagar as JSA in CPCB, dated 24.10.1724-10-2017Office Order  52.31 KB
913 Office Order Regarding extention of Telephone facility of two(2) Officials in CPCB, dated 24.10.1724-10-2017Office Order  63.60 KB
914Admn.(P)Circular regarding Observance of vigiliance Awareness week during the year 2017, dated 24.10.1724-10-2017Circular  1.11 MB
915Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Probation period of three(3) officials for the post of Section Officer in CPCB, dated 23.10.1723-10-2017Office Order  45.71 KB
916Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Probation period of Sh. Govind Bhagat for the post of Administrative Officer in CPCB, dated 23.10.1723-10-2017Office Order  33.13 KB
917Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Re-organising of Internal complaint committee on Sexual Harassment of Women in CPCB, dated 23.10.1723-10-2017Office Order  95.63 KB
918Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Promotion of two officials from the post of UDC to Assistant in CPCB, dated 20.10.1720-10-2017Office Order  87.38 KB
919Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Promotion of Sh. K N Sarasan from the post of LDC to UDC in CPCB, dated 20.10.1720-10-2017Office Order  76.07 KB
920Admn.(R)Office Order regarding granting Financial Upgradation to Officials under the MACP Scheme in CPCB, dated 18.10.1718-10-2017Office Order  160.19 KB
921Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Promotion of three officials from the post of Assistant to Section Officer in CPCB, dated 16.10.1716-10-2017Office Order  49.87 KB
922Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Promotion of Sh. Govind Bhagat from the post of Section Officer to Administrative Officer in CPCB, dated 16.10.1716-10-2017Office Order  55.87 KB
923Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Completion of Probation period of various officials in CPCB, dated 16.10.1716-10-2017Office Order  70.50 KB
924 Office Order regarding Running of CPCB Canteen and providing catering sevices, dated 13.10.1713-10-2017Office Order  73.52 KB
925 Office Memorandum Regarding Minutes of Meeting of 82nd Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee, dated 13.10.1713-10-2017Memorandum  404.06 KB
926Admn.(P)Circular regarding not to undertake any type of Assignments / not to deliver any lecture /Laboratory Assesment under NABL during Holiday/Leave period, dated 13.10.1713-10-2017Circular  115.55 KB
927Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of 5 Candidates for the post of DEO under NGRBA Programme in CPCB, dated 11.10.1711-10-2017Office Order  71.66 KB
928Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfer of 3 Officials in HO-CPCB, dated 11.10.1711-10-2017Office Order  91.49 KB
929Admn.(P)Circular regarding Forwarding Application of the employees for posts in other organization, dated 06.10.1706-10-2017Circular  84.89 KB
930Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Dr. Narender Sharma as Sc.E in CPCB, dated 05.10.1705-10-2017Office Order  48.95 KB
931Admn.(R)Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Gaurav Gehlot as Sc.B in CPCB, dated 05.10.1705-10-2017Office Order  62.75 KB
932AQ Lab-IOffice Order regarding Transfer of Sh. Mohammad Faisal (JSA) from Air Lab (HO) to RD Lucknow, dated 29.09.1729-09-2017Office Order  34.04 KB
933Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfer of Sh. V K Shukla (Sc. D) from Project Office Agra to AQM Division (HO Delhi), dated 28.09.201728-09-2017Office Order  427.19 KB
934Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Regarding salary/pay fixation on Promotion of Officers from Sc. C to Sc. D under FCS, dated 25.09.201725-09-2017Office Order  335.53 KB
935AQ Lab-IOffice Order regarding Transfer of Sh. Jagadeesh Kumar (Jr. Tech.) from Air Lab (HO) to RD Vadodara15-09-2017Office Order  58.23 KB
936Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfer of 5 Officials in HO-CPCB15-09-2017Office Order  113.26 KB
937 Circular regarding Conducting meeting at 2nd floor Conference Hall , HO-CPCB14-09-2017Circular  78.08 KB
938Admn.(P)Circular regarding Programme on Hindi Day - 2017 in CPCB13-09-2017Circular  54.57 KB
939Building Division Office Order regarding Telephone facility06-09-2017Office Order  117.01 KB
940Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Promotion of Officers from the post of Sc. C to Sc. D under FCS in CPCB31-08-2017Office Order  880.64 KB
941Admn.(P) Office Order regarding Transfer & Posting of Three (3) officers in CPCB28-08-2017Office Order  88.45 KB
942Admn.(R) Corigendum regarding Appointment of Dr. P. K. Behera as Sc.E in CPCB28-08-2017Office Order  65.51 KB
943Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Ranveer Anil Chudaman as Sc. E in CPCB25-08-2017Office Order  81.61 KB
944Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Appointment of Dr. P. K. Behera as Sc.E in CPCB25-08-2017Office Order  67.69 KB
945Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Completion of Probation period of Sc.B in CPCB24-08-2017Office Order  106.63 KB
946Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Promotion of Various officials from the post of JLA to SLA in CPCB22-08-2017Office Order  123.46 KB
947Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Vinod Kumar Yadav as JSA in CPCB22-08-2017Office Order  59.59 KB
948Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Nirmal Kumar Sharma as JSA in CPCB22-08-2017Office Order  62.50 KB
949Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Appointment of Ms. Anu P. R. as JSA in CPCB22-08-2017Office Order  57.79 KB
950Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Appointment of Sh. Animesh Mondal as JSA in CPCB22-08-2017Office Order  61.04 KB
951Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Appointment of Ms. Rashmi Mittal as JSA in CPCB22-08-2017Office Order  56.56 KB
952Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Promotion of two officials from the post of Attendent to Sr. Attendent in CPCB22-08-2017Office Order  214.26 KB
953Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Promotion of Sh. Kailash kumar from the post of UDC to Assistant in CPCB22-08-2017Office Order  208.56 KB
954Admn.(R) Office Order regarding Promotion of Sh. Shahid Khan from the post of SLA to JSA in CPCB22-08-2017Office Order  206.86 KB
955Admn.(R)Circular regarding Updation/Revision of CSMA cards for availment of Medical facilities by all employees of CPCB22-08-2017Circular  58.88 KB
956Admn.(R) Office Memorandum regarding Interview for upgradation under FCS in CPCB from the post of Sc.C to the post of Sc.D21-08-2017Memorandum  70.14 KB
957Admn.(R)Circular regarding Providing medical treatment to retired employees of CPCB21-08-2017Circular  71.46 KB
958Admn.(R) Correction Order regarding Mis spell in the name of Sh. Harish chandra Maurya, Appointed in Hindi division16-08-2017Office Order  188.74 KB
959Admn.(P)Office Order regarding Transfers and posting of Officers08-08-2017Office Order  16.83 KB
960Admn.(R)Promotion of Sh. Basant Kumar from the post of Attendent to Sr. Attendent08-08-2017Office Order  161.06 KB
961Admn.(P)Office Order regarding appointment and posting of Shri Anil C Ranveer, Sc. E03-08-2017Office Order  102.65 KB
962Building DivisionLetter to all RDs about booking of Air/ Train tickets on officials tours02-08-2017Circular  58.88 KB
963Admn.(R)Office Order regarding appointment of Sh. Parmeshwar Lal as Driver (Ordinary Grade) in CPCB01-08-2017Office Order  25.20 KB
964Admn.(R) Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Dinesh Joshi as Driver (Ordinary Grade) in CPCB25-07-2017Office Order  79.49 KB
965 Office Order Regarding Immediate action on Revoking of Closure Direction to Industries21-07-2017Office Order  119.06 KB
966Admn.(P) Office Memorandum Regarding Travelling Allowances Rules21-07-2017Memorandum  114.21 KB
967Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Mujeeb Ahmad Ansari as JLA in CPCB20-07-2017Office Order  93.41 KB
968Admn.(P) Office Memorandum Regarding Completion of 81st Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee18-07-2017Memorandum  434.64 KB
969Law-I Office Order Regarding work Assignment of personnels of Law division - I 14-07-2017Office Order  166.91 KB
970Admn.(R)Final Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB10-07-2017Circular  665.90 KB
971Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfers of 4 Officers07-07-2017Office Order  98.06 KB
972Admn.(R) Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Harish Chand Maurya as Stenographer in CPCB07-07-2017Office Order  66.77 KB
973Admn.(R) Office Order Regarding Appointment of Smt. Pragati as Stenographer in CPCB07-07-2017Office Order  74.35 KB
974Admn.(R) Office Order Regarding Appointment of Smt. Kiran Verma as Stenographer in CPCB07-07-2017Office Order  76.77 KB
975Admn.(R) Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Avanish Nath Tripathi as Law Office in CPCB07-07-2017Office Order  58.17 KB
976Admn.(R) Office Order Regarding Appointment of Smt. Urmila Thakur as Law Officer in CPCB07-07-2017Office Order  69.19 KB
977 Office Order Regarding Surrender their Data Card04-07-2017Office Order  114.97 KB
978Admn.(P)Office Memorandum Regarding Organising 81st Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee23-06-2017Memorandum  183.73 KB
979MS SectionOffice Memorandum regarding completion of APARs21-06-2017Memorandum  56.09 KB
980Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Nomination of Sh. Vivek K. (Scientist 'C') to attend the Study workshop on solid waste management and sewage treatment in Stockholm-Sweden and Munich-Germany during 17-24 June, 201716-06-2017Office Order  73.15 KB
981Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Naman Srivastava as Data Processing Assistant in CPCB08-06-2017Office Order  79.72 KB
982Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Vikas Rawat as Assistant in CPCB07-06-2017Office Order  70.93 KB
983Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Deepak Kumar as Accounts Assistant in CPCB07-06-2017Office Order  70.93 KB
984Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Kamal as Accounts Assistant in CPCB07-06-2017Office Order  79.72 KB
985 Circular regarding Surveillance of Industrial Inspection30-05-2017Circular  114.58 KB
986Admn.(P)Office Memorandum Regarding Completion of APARs05-05-2017Memorandum  182.85 KB
987Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Dr. Vishnu Vardhan Kanuri as Scientist C under NGRBA Programme in CPCB04-05-2017Office Order  179.40 KB
988 Office Order Regarding extention of Telephone facility of Sh. Bhupendra singh , Sc.'C'02-05-2017Office Order  61.17 KB
989 Circular regarding Reimbursing Mobile phone bills to its officials01-05-2017Circular  146.81 KB
990Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Nomination of Sh. B.V.Babu (Sc. 'E') to attend the 13th conference of the parties to the Basel convention in Geneva, Switzerland during 24.04.2017 to 05.05.201721-04-2017Office Order  90.27 KB
991Admn.(R) Office Memorandum Regarding provisional seniority list in respect of all groups of officers/officials (Non -FCS) working in CPCB19-04-2017Memorandum  1.02 MB
992Hindi DivisionOffice Memorandum Regarding Completion of 80th Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee10-04-2017Memorandum  459.53 KB
993Admn.(P) Office Memorandum Regarding Annual Performance Appraisal Reports(APAR) forms for the period from 01.04.2016 to 31.03.201706-04-2017Memorandum  211.09 KB
994Admn.(P) Office Order Regarding Running of CPCB Canteen and providing catering sevices06-04-2017Office Order  63.70 KB
995Admn.(R) Office Order Regarding Promotion of Sh. B. D. Pandey from the post of JSA to SSA at CPCB Regional Directorate Vadodara03-04-2017Office Order  66.13 KB
996 Circular regarding Submission of Mobile bill & Telephone bill 29-03-2017Circular  38.18 KB
997Admn.(P)Circular regarding Strict compliance of order while making appointments such as consultant, Member of committee etc23-03-2017Circular  85.60 KB
998MS SectionAppointment of Shri Sunil Krishna as Independent External Monitor (IEM) in CPCB23-03-2017Office Order  216.28 KB
999Building DivisionOffice Order Regarding revised Telephone policy of Group A officers22-03-2017Office Order  207.75 KB
1000 Office Order Regarding Surveillance of Industrial Inspection22-03-2017Office Order  61.91 KB
1001Admn.(P)Circular regarding Not to forward any Application Deputation for any post outside CPCB16-03-2017Circular  61.60 KB
1002Admn.(P) Office Order Regarding Revised pay in respect of PS and SO16-03-2017Office Order  280.20 KB
1003Accounts Section Office Memorandum Regarding Universal roll out of Public Financial Management system (PFMS) for central sector schemes15-03-2017Memorandum  61.60 KB
1004Admn.(R) Office Order Regarding Appointment of Dr. Shiv Pratap Raghuvanshi as Scientist 'D' at CPCB Regional Directorate Kolkata09-03-2017Office Order  59.88 KB
1005 Office Order Regarding Telephone policy of Group A officers27-02-2017Office Order  262.30 KB
1006Admn.(P)Circular regarding issuance of validation cards of ministry of home affairs for officers (in the pay structure of Grade pay of Rs. 6600/- and above)22-02-2017Circular  61.60 KB
1007 Office Order Regarding Immediate joining of officers in Air toxic lab as per regrouping of officers14-02-2017Office Order  68.06 KB
1008 Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Narayan Singh Mehra in CPCB13-02-2017Office Order  150.18 KB
1009Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Further Regrouping of Scientific & Technical Activities in CPCB Delhi after previous order 10-02-2017Office Order  530.98 KB
1010Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Nitin Kumar as Junior Laboratory Assistant (JLA) in CPCB06-02-2017Office Order  127.62 KB
1011Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Sanjay Joshi as Junior Laboratory Assistant (JLA) in CPCB06-02-2017Office Order  90.12 KB
1012Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Naveen as Junior Laboratory Assistant (JLA) in CPCB06-02-2017Office Order  89.88 KB
1013Admn.(P)Office Memorandum Regarding Verification of service record of officers working in Project office Agra03-02-2017Office Order  221.80 KB
1014Admn.(P)Circular regarding Annual verification and Nomination of CPCB employees02-02-2017Circular  158.36 KB
1015Building SectionCircular regarding Asking of staff car for office work02-02-2017Circular  44.87 KB
1016Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding new Incharge of Bio lab02-02-2017Office Order  102.17 KB
1017 Office Memorandum regarding 79th meeting of Vibhagiy Rajbhasha Karyanvayan Samiti 31-01-2017Memorandum  49.50 KB
1018Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Promotion of Sh. Sanjay Kumar Mukati from the post of JSA to SSA27-01-2017Office Order  37.37 KB
1019Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Promotion of 3 officials from the post of SSA to Scientist "B"27-01-2017Office Order  43.79 KB
1020Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Regrouping of Scientific & Technical Activities in CPCB Head office Delhi19-01-2017Office Order  643.80 KB
1021Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Abolishing of two posts19-01-2017Office Order  61.50 KB
1022PCI-IIOffice Order Regarding Transfer of Sh. Rajpal Singh17-01-2017Office Order  56.91 KB
1023Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfer of Sh. Naveen chand binwal17-01-2017Office Order  220.97 KB
1024ETUCircular regarding organising training programmes for officials of CPCB, SPCBs, PCCs and for other government organisations10-01-2017Circular  64.69 KB
1025ETUCircular regarding visit of IFS officers for Mid career training programme in CPCB on 16.01.201709-01-2017Circular  122.55 KB
1026Admn.(P)Circular regarding submission of Immovable property return latest by 31.01.201704-01-2017Circular  283.34 KB
1027Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Approval for 23rd "Akhil Bhartiya wan kreeda Tournament" in Telangana 03-01-2017Office Order  230.36 KB
1028PCP DivisionCircular regarding Submission of Tour Report by officers returning from official foreign visits23-12-2016Circular  235.54 KB
1029Accounts SectionForm 12BB for submission of Income Details & proof of savings for the Financial Year 2016-1706-12-2016Circular  622.74 KB
1030Accounts SectionCircular regarding Income-Tax Deduction from salaries during the Financial Year 2016-1706-12-2016Circular  227.25 KB
1031Admn.(P)Circular regarding having Identity card during office hours24-11-2016Circular  98.80 KB
1032Admn.(P)Circular regarding Sanction of leave by the Incharges to their respective subordinates21-11-2016Circular  68.84 KB
1033Hindi SectionOffice Memorandum Regarding Completion of 78th Meeting of Divisional Hindi Working Committee02-11-2016Memorandum  128.63 KB
1034Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh.Kundan Kumar for the post of Assistant in CPCB Head office, Delhi28-10-2016Office Order  80.00 KB
1035Admn.(P) Circular regarding Nomination of National Awards for the Empowerment of Person with Disabilities, 201627-10-2016Circular  248.64 KB
1036PCI-IIOffice Order Regarding Nomination of CPCB, SPCBs officials for attending training program will be held at CIMFR, Dhanbad21-10-2016Office Order  188.82 KB
1037Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Nomination of Shri. Deenbandhu Gouda, Sc. "E" to attend 1st meeting of South Asia, from October 20- 22, to be held in Shri Lanka17-10-2016Office Order  102.57 KB
1038Admn.(P) Circular regarding Observance of vigiliance Awareness week during the year 201614-10-2016Circular  368.30 KB
1039Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Miss. Pooja Rani as Data Processsing Assistant (DPA) in CPCB28-09-2016Office Order  106.41 KB
1040Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Shri Ashish Kumar Singh as Data Processsing Assistant (DPA) in CPCB28-09-2016Office Order  105.91 KB
1041Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Shri. Surendra Singh Gurjar as Data Processsing Assistant (DPA) in CPCB28-09-2016Office Order  101.27 KB
1042Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Salary structure of Employees engaged under NGRBA in CPCB 09-09-2016Office Order  78.25 KB
1043Admn.(P)Circular regarding Completion of APARs, dated 12.09.201608-09-2016Circular  149.03 KB
1044Admn.(P)Circular regarding Holiday on the occasion of EID-UL-AZHA on 13-09-2016 ,dated 12.09.201608-09-2016Circular  55.77 KB
1045Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Participation in meeting/Conference in South Korea to be held from 31.08.2016 to 02.09.201626-08-2016Office Order  183.17 KB
1046ETUCircular regarding "Filling of Nomination form for Training Programme 2016-17",dated 22.08.201622-08-2016Circular  122.66 KB
1047Accounts SectionCircular regarding "Submission of Various claims for reimbursement/payment",dated 22.08.2016 22-08-2016Circular  1.23 MB
1048Admn.(P)Office Memorandum regarding Furnishing of form of option/undertaking-as per Central Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules 201610-08-2016Memorandum  542.48 KB
1049Admn.(P)Circular regarding "Not to forward any Deputation Application for any post outside CPCB" ,dated 09.08.201608-08-2016Circular  71.45 KB
1050Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Joining the post of Administrative officer by Smt. Hemlata Raheja, dated 02.08.201601-08-2016Office Order  69.37 KB
1051Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Promotion of Smt. Hemlata Raheja to the post of Administrative Ofiicer dated 01.08.201601-08-2016Office Order  27.58 KB
1052Admn.(R) Office Order Regarding Appointment of Shri. Shiv Pratap Raghuvanshi as Scientist "C" in Zonal office Kolkata dated 02.08.201629-07-2016Office Order  102.28 KB
1053Hindi SectionCircular regarding Compitition on the Occasion of Hindi Day (on 14-09-2016) ,dated 28.07.201628-07-2016Circular  41.71 KB
1054Admn.(P)Circular regarding Completion of APARs ,dated 26.07.201626-07-2016Circular  70.74 KB
1055Admn.(R)Circular regarding Holiday on the occasion of EID-UL-FITR on 07-07-2016 ,dated 05.07.201605-07-2016Circular  60.55 KB
1056Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Dr. H.V.C Chary Guntupalli for the post of Sc. "D" in MoEFCC dated 28.06.201628-06-2016Circular  100.46 KB
1057Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment under NGRBA Programme for the post of Scientists "C" dated 17.06.201617-06-2016Office Order  856.95 KB
1058Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Dr Raj Kishore singh for the post of Scientist "D"dated 17.06.201617-06-2016Office Order  859.11 KB
1059Accounts SectionCircular regarding Providing Copy of PAN Card and other details ,dated 16.06.201616-06-2016Circular  696.97 KB
1060Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding salary/pay fixation on Promotion of Officers under FCS dated 16.06.201616-06-2016Office Order  505.11 KB
1061Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Sh. Utpal Kapoor for the post of FM Specialist dated 13.06.201613-06-2016Office Order  101.34 KB
1062Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Appointment of Ms. Leena for the post of Office Manager dated 13.06.201613-06-2016Office Order  103.51 KB
1063Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding salary on Promotion of Sh. Om Dass dated 09.06.201609-06-2016Office Order  214.51 KB
1064Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfers of Two(2) Officers dated 09.06.201609-06-2016Office Order  195.14 KB
1065Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding salary on Promotion of Officers under FCS dated 09.06.201608-06-2016Office Order  769.48 KB
1066ETUCircular regarding Training Programme conducted by CSE Delhi ,dated 31.05.201631-05-2016Circular  531.77 KB
1067Admn.(P)Office Order Regarding Transfers and postings of CPCB employee dated 31.05.201631-05-2016Office Order  219.50 KB
1068Admn.(R)Office Order Regarding Medical Allowance to JRF/SRF/RA of CPCB dated 17.05.201617-05-2016Office Order  217.84 KB
1069Admn.(P)Circular regarding making of quick record of Discussions/Minutes of meeting immediately dated 16.05.201616-05-2016Circular  288.83 KB
1070MS SectionOffice Memorandum Regarding extention of Submission of ATR for great transparency in the functioning of CPCB04-05-2016Memorandum  195.71 KB
1071Admn.(P)Circular Regarding new Performa for CL and EL form03-05-2016Circular  690.66 KB
1072Admn.(P)Circular Regarding Filling of Performa of Return of Assets and Liabilities latest by 30.04.201626-04-2016Circular  164.02 KB
1073MS SectionOffice Memorandum Regarding Submission of ATR for great transparency in the functioning of CPCB and improve vigiliance mechanism31-03-2016Memorandum  192.31 KB
1074Admn.(P)Circular Regarding Holiday on April 14 , 2016 on the occasion of Birthday of Dr. B.R Ambedkar28-03-2016Circular  553.15 KB
1075ETUCircular Regarding Training Programmes for Officials of CPCB,SPCBs,PCCs and other Govt Organisations by Environmental Training Unit (ETU)10-03-2016Circular  378.84 KB
1076Admn.(P)List of Officers to be considered for promotion under MFCS to submit the Performa by March 01, 201618-02-2016Circular  96.40 KB
1077Admn.(R)Provisional Seniority list of all Group of Officers/Officials (except FCS) working in CPCB as on 01.01.201601-02-2016Circular  7.57 MB
1078PCI-IIICircular regarding seminar on "Monitoring of Court Cases and Filling of Replies" at MoEF&CC on Feb. 06, 201621-01-2016Circular  96.38 KB
1079Admn.(P)Circular & Proforma for statment of Immovable Property for year ending 31.12.2015 to be submitted by 31.01.201618-01-2016Circular  531.77 KB
1080Admn.(R)CPCB Recruitment Rules 199504-01-2016Circular  5.24 MB
1081Admn.(R)Notification of Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS) for Scientific & Technical Group 'A' Posts (Part-I Original + Part-II Amendment)01-01-2016Circular  1.92 MB
1082Admn.(P)Office Order regarding assigned the duties & responsibility of ETU Division functioning under I/C PCP Division19-02-2015Office Order  291.78 KB
1083Admn.(R)Promotion order of Shri Ravi Charan03-07-2013Office Order  996.45 KB
1084Admn.(R)Promotion order of Shri Ghan Shyam02-07-2013Office Order  119.10 KB
1085Admn.(P)Transfer and posting office order of Administrative staff dated 16.05.201316-05-2013Office Order  14.52 KB
1086Admn.(P)Transfer and posting office order of Technical staff dated 16.05.201316-05-2013Office Order  18.05 KB
1087Admn.(R)Promotion order of Shri Nandan Singh15-05-2013Office Order  31.37 KB
1088Admn.(R)Promotion order of Shri A.K.Sinha, Shri N.C Durgapal, Shri Paritosh Kumar, Shri K.N. Das03-05-2013Office Order  14.31 KB
1089Admn.(R)Promotion order of Shri S.L. Gundli01-05-2013Office Order  6.75 KB
1090Admn.(R)Promotion order of Shri R.S. Yadav01-05-2013Office Order  7.05 KB