
Sh. Amandeep Garg, IAS

PS to Chairman : Smt. Tanushree B.
Phone No : 011- 43102202
E-mail :

Member Secratary

Sh. Bharat Kumar Sharma

PS to Member Secretary : Smt. Sarla Kadam
Phone No : 011- 22303655, 43102207
E-mail :

PCP Division

Divisional Head : Sh. G Thirumurthy, Scientist E
Phone No : 011- 22301932 , 43102336
E-mail :,
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Annual Plan
  2. Perspective Planning for strengthning of CPCB
  3. Coordination with MoEF&CC on various issues
  4. Parliament Questions
  5. Performance audit of State Board
  6. Assurance, Zero Hours, Rule 377, calling attention and special mention matter
  7. Providing material for visit/meetings of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and technology, Environment Forests and Committee on Subordinate Legislation Rajya Sabha
  8. Evaluation of technical reports
  9. Review meetings
  10. RTI matters, VIP references/ complaints & PMO matter
  11. Utilization of consent fund in the matter of Hon’ble NGT order O.A. No. 681/2018
  12. Assistance for abatement of pollution scheme
  13. Control of Pollution scheme
  14. Third party evaluation of central sector scheme, project funded by MoEF&CC to HUDCO
Personnel :
  1. Smt. Anjana Singh, Scientist 'E'

PR Division

Divisional Head : Sh. Sharandeep Singh (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 43102306
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Participation in Exhibition/ Workshops/Mass awareness activities.
  2. Printing & Publication of CPCB technical reports
  3. Advertisements.
  4. Hospitality arrangements.
  5. ENVIS
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Satish Kumar, Pub. Asst.
  2. Sh. Rajpal, Asst.
  3. Sh. Ravindra Kumar, Attendent

ETU Division

Divisional Head : Sh. Sanghmitter (AO)
Phone No : 011- 43102332
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Environmental Training
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Budhram Shah, UDC
  2. Ms. Anju Bhardwaj, LDC

Industrial Pollution Control -I Division

Divisional Head : Sh. Dinbandhu Gouda (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 011- 22304812, 43102420
E-mail :
Profile & Activity : This division deals following Industry Sectors : Chemical Industries
  1. Chlor Alkali
  2. Dyes & Dye Intermediate
  3. Fertilizer
  4. Oil Refineries
  5. Pesticides
  6. Petro-Chemicals
  7. Pharmaceuticals
  8. Paints & Enamel
  9. Industries of Chemical in nature (Organic and In-organic)
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Ashbir Singh, Scientist 'D'
  2. Sh. M K Gupta, SSA

Industrial Pollution Control -II Division

Divisional Head : Sh. Nazimuddin (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 011- 43102444
E-mail :
Profile & Activity : This division deals following Industry Sectors : Energy, Metallurgical
  1. Aluminum
  2. Copper
  3. Zinc
  4. Integrated Iron & Steel
  5. Dust (PM) Emitting Industries
  6. Mining
  7. Cement
  8. Thermal Power Plants
  9. Coal Mining
  10. Non-Coal Mining/AScientist 'B'estos
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Gaurav Gehlot, Scientist 'C'

Industrial Pollution Control -III Division

Divisional Head : Sh. Kamlesh Singh (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 22306179, 43102425
E-mail :,
Profile & Activity : This division deals following Industry Sectors : Agro Based
  1. Sugar
  2. Distilleries
  3. Pulp & Paper
  4. Textiles
  5. Food & Beverages
  6. Soft Drinks
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Rishabh Srivastava, Scientist 'C'

Industrial Pollution Control -IV Division

Divisional Head : Smt. Anamika Sagar (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 43102440
E-mail :
Profile & Activity : This division deals following Industry Sectors : Animal Products
  1. Dairies
  2. Tanneries
  3. Slaughter House
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Rambabu, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. Y.N. Mishra, Scientist 'D'
  3. Sh. Vinay Prabhakar, Scientist 'C'

Industrial Pollution Control-V Division

Divisional Head : Smt. Anamika Sagar (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 43102440
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Industry Sectors : SSI
  1. Foundry and Furnaces
  2. Stone Crushers
  3. Hot Mix Plants
  4. Brick Kilns
  5. Rice Mills & other Small Scientist 'C'ale Industries
  6. Siting Policies & Technology Development
Personnel :
  1. Dr. Alka Srivastava, Scientist 'B'
  2. Sh. Abdul Mateen, Scientist 'B'

Industrial Pollution Control-VI Division

Divisional Head : -
Phone No : 011- 43102432
E-mail : -
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Industry Sectors: Industrial Pollution Coordination
  1. 17 Categories of Industries
  2. Red Categories of Industries
  3. Categorization of Industries
  4. Review of Standards
  5. On-line Installations
  6. Grossly Polluting Industries (other than Ganga)
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Saubhagya Dixit, Scientist 'D'
  2. Sh. Vinay Kumar Upadhyay, Scientist 'C'

Industrial Pollution Control-VII Division

Divisional Head : -
Phone No : 011- 43102432
E-mail : -
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Industry Sectors : Industrial Clusters and Enforcement
  1. Critically Polluted Industrial Clusters
  2. CETPs
  3. Vigilance and Directions
  4. Environmental Clearances
  5. Enforcement Issues
  6. Ecomark Scheme
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Amit R Thakkar, Scientist 'E'

Urban Pollution Control-I Division

Divisional Head : Sh. Sharandeep Singh (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 43102306
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Implementation of Construction & Demolition waste Rules 2016
  2. Implementation of Noise (Regulation & control) Rules 2000
  3. Noise Mapping, Hot Spot identification and Mitigation plan for Noise Pollution Control in Delhi
  4. Implementation of emission and noise Compliance for Power Genset (< 800 KW)
  5. Railway Locomotives – emission standard (ongoing project)
  6. Railway siding
  7. Dust mitigation from construction activities.
  8. Environmental norms in Hotels
Personnel :
  1. Dr. C K Dixit, Scientist 'D'
  2. Sh. Danish Meena, Scientist 'C'
  3. Miss. Juli Patel, Scientist ‘B’

Urban Pollution Control - II Division

Divisional Head : Smt. Divya Sinha (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 011- 43102453
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Plastic Waste Management
  2. Solid Waste Management
Personnel :
  1. Smt. Suniti Parashar, Scientist 'D'
  2. Ms. Yogesh Chandra, Scientist 'C'
  3. Sh. Madnesh Kumar Dubey, Scientist ‘B’
  4. Sh. Mayank Raj Purbey, Scientist ‘B’

Waste Management-I Division

Divisional Head : Sh. V.P. Yadav (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 011- 43102324
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities : : Hazardous Waste Management
  1. Remediation & Policies
  2. Ship Breaking
  3. Bio-Medical Waste
  4. Batteries
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Rambabu, Scientist 'E'
  2. Smt. Youthika, Scientist 'E'
  3. Smt. Niralee Verma, Scientist 'C'

Waste Management-II Division

Divisional Head : Sh. B V Babu (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 011- 43102296
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Enforcement of Hazardous & other wastes (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016
  2. i. Common TSDFs
    ii. Captive TSDFs
    iii. Incinerators used for HW
  3. Development of Standard Operating Procedure for Processing the Proposals for Utilization of Hazardous Waste under Rule 9 of the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016
  4. Enforcement of CPCB Guidelines of End-of-life Vehicles(ELVs)
  5. Inventorization of Hazardous waste
Personnel :
  1. Smt. Deepti Kapil, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. Sahil Patel, Scientist 'C'
  3. Smt. Vineeta, Scientist 'C'

Waste Management -III Division

Divisional Head : Smt. Youthika Puri(Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011-43102321, 43102467
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Electronic Waste Management
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Tarun Darbari, Scientist 'E'
  2. Smt. Meetu Puri, Scientist 'C'

Air Quality Management Division

Divisional Head : Sh. Pankaj Aggarwal (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 011- 43102432
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Air Quality Management Policy & related Bilateral issues
  2. Air Quality Management Plans
  3. Source Apportionment Studies
  4. Vehicular Pollution Control
  5. Utilization of EPC Funds
  6. National Clean Air program (NCAP)
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Ankush Tiwani, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. Gautam Kumar Sharma, Scientist 'C'
  3. Smt. Sakshi Batra, Scientist 'C'

Air Quality Monitoring Network (AQMN) Division

Divisional Head : Sh. Aditya Sharma(Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 43102428
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP)
  2. Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System (CAAQMS)
  3. Rural Network
  4. Satellite and Sensor-based Monitoring
  5. Air Quality Forecast
  6. Data Management and
  7. Air Quality Health Assessment
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Fasiur Rehman, Scientist 'D'
  2. Sh. Neeraj Katiyar, Scientist 'B'

Water Quality Management -I Division

Divisional Head : -
Phone No : 011- 43102409
E-mail : -
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities : Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring
  1. Water Quality Monitoring of rivers, lakes, groundwater and coastal waters.
  2. Setting up of Real Time Water Quality Monitoring Stations
  3. Water Quality Restoration Plan
  4. Water Quality Monitoring of river Ganga including RTWQM
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Vishal Gandhi, Scientist 'E'
  2. Smt. Alpana Narula, Scientist 'B'

Water Quality Management-II Division

Divisional Head : Sh. A.K. Vidyarthi (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 011-43102445
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities : Rejuvenation of Ganga (Namami Ganga)
  1. Sewage Treatment of Ganga Towns and Drains (118 Towns)
  2. Industrial Pollution Control (Pollution Control Enforcement of Industries of Main Stem)
  3. (Independently to cover 764 GPI)
Personnel :
  1. Smt. Reena Satavan,Scientist 'E'

Information Technology Division

Divisional Head : Sh. B. Vinod Babu (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 011-43102296
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Networking
  2. Website updation
  3. Enterprise Resource Planning
  4. SPCB Support
  5. GIS Development
  6. Data Storage and Security
  7. E-Samiksha
  8. MIS - SPCBs
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Archit Uprit, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. Anurag Sharma, Scientist 'C'
  3. Sh. Saransh Bamaniya, Scientist 'B'
  4. Sh. Ashish Kumar, Scientist 'B'
  5. Sh. Krishan Dev, Scientist 'B'
  6. Sh. V.N. Murthy, STS
  7. Smt. Shashi Goel, DPA
  8. Ms. Pooja Rani , DPA
  9. Sh. Naman Srivastava, DPA
  10. Sh. Shubham Tiwari, TS
  11. Sh. Mujeeb Ahmad Ansari, JLA

Circular Economy Cell

Divisional Head : Sh. B. Vinod Babu (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 011-43102296
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Identify activities of !PCs, WM and UPC Divisions that contributes to circular economy objectives and report the progress along with times lines.
  2. To coordinate with concerned Divisions to complete action points assigned to CPCB for different waste streams.
  3. To address any other matter as referred to the Cell.
  4. Publish SOPs / guideline prepared by CPCB in Niti Ayog Initiative
Personnel :
  1. Ms. Deepti Kapil, Scientist 'E'

Air Lab

Divisional Head : Sh. S K Sharma (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 43102441
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Ambient Air Quality (Delhi and  NCR) – CAAQMS & Manual
  2. CAAQMS (Nation-wide)
  3. Stack Monitoring
  4. Calibration Facilities
  5. Method Standardization
Personnel :
  1. Sh. P. Krishnamurthy, Scientist 'E'
  2. Dr. Dolly Kulshreshtha, Scientist 'C'
  3. Sh. Navkant Juyal, SSA
  4. Sh. Gyas Mohd. Khan, SSA
  5. Sh. Vinod Kumar, SSA
  6. Sh. Pravin Kumar Gupta, SSA
  7. Sh. Amit Kumar Sharma, SSA
  8. Sh. K P Rathi, SSA
  9. Sh. Surendra Prasad, SLA
  10. Sh. Amit Kumar Sharma, SLA
  11. Sh. Surendra Singh Rawat, JLA
  12. Sh. Nandu Prasad, JLA
  13. Sh. C P Singh, JLA
  14. Sh. Krishan Kumar, FA

Trace Organic Lab

Divisional Head : Sh. Sanjay Kumar (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 43102376
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Analysis of Organic Compounds (Pesticides, Insecticides, PAHs, Pharmaceutical Compounds) at trace levels.
  2. Support to Air Laboratory for stationary emission sources using Sampling Kit.
  3. Conducting Analytical Quality Comparison (AQC) Exercise for Pesticide Compounds.
  4. Training to Students and Officials of State Pollution Control Boards / Committees.
  5. Analytical support to State Pollution Control Boards, Pollution Control Committees and other Govt. Organizations.
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Bhupander Kumar, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. Charu Sharma, Scientist 'B'
  3. Sh. V K Verma, Sc. B
  4. Sh. Beerendra Singh, SSA
  5. Smt. Rashmi Mittal, SSA

Water & Wastewater Lab

Divisional Head : Dr. K Ranganathan(Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 43102393
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Water
  2. Wastewater
  3. Soil
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Syed M Bilal, Scientist 'C'
  2. Smt. B Sasi Devi, Scientist 'C'
  3. Smt. Gargi Gurtu, Scientist 'C'
  4. Smt. Vijaya Laxmi, Scientist 'C'
  5. Sh. Ratnesh Kumar, Scientist 'B'
  6. Sh. A K Tyagi, Scientist 'B'
  7. Sh. Satvir Singh, STS
  8. Sh. Vinod Kumar, SSA
  9. Sh. Ram Kishan, SLA
  10. Sh. Uma Shankar Mishra, JLA
  11. Sh. Atul Sharma, JLA
  12. Sh. Inder Mohan, JLA
  13. Sh. Basant Kumar, JLA

Instrumentation Lab

Divisional Head : Dr. K Ranganathan(Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 011- 43102441
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Analysis of Heavy metals (as per the scope) and trace elements in various environmental samples
  2. Analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Total organic Halides (TOX) in environmental samples
  3. Joint activity of EPA recognition of the PVT/NGO environmental laboratories under Environmental Protection Act, 1986 with MOEFCC
  4. Performance evaluation of EPA 1986 recognized laboratories through Analytical Quality Control (AQC) Exercise
Personnel :
  1. Smt. Namita Mishra, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. B K Jena, Scientist 'D'
  3. Dr. Yogita Kharayat, Scientist 'D'
  4. Sh. Rahul Kumar, Scientist 'B'
  5. Sh. Maneesh N, SSA
  6. Sh. Nirmal Kumar Sharma, SSA
  7. Smt. Prachi, SSA
  8. Sh. Ashutosh Kumar Bharti, TS
  9. Ms. Omyanka Shree, SLA
  10. Sh. Sujit Kumar Chourasia, JLA
  11. Sh. Jatin Kasliwal, JLA
  12. Sh. Sunil Kumar, Sr. MTS
  13. Sh. Md. Azaz, MTS
  14. Sh. Vijay Adhikari, FA

Bio Lab

Divisional Head : Sh. Z Changsan (Scientist 'F')
Phone No: 011- 43102341
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. Upgradation of biomonitoring, Microbiology and toxicity lab at state boards and their zonal labs along the river Ganga.
  2. Microbiology
  3. Toxicity
  4. Bio-monitoring (to be reported to Incharge WQM-I)
  5. Inter-state Yamuna Monitoring  (Supreme Court Matter )
  6. Activities for evaluation of microbiological pathogenic population from gangotri to varanasi in under progress.
  7. Shortlisting of labs for enumeration of pathogens is under progress.
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Yashpal Yadav, Scientist 'C'
  2. Smt. V Himajwala, Scientist 'C'
  3. Sh. Anand B Salve, SSA

R & D Division

Divisional Head : Smt. Garima Sharma, Sc. 'E'
Phone No : 011-43102209
E-mail :

Law Division

Divisional Head : Sh. avanish Tripathi, Sr. LO
Phone No : 011-43102402
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals following Activities :
  1. All Court Cases of Supreme Court, High Courts, NGT, CAT & District Courts
Personnel :
  1. Smt. Urmila Thakur, LO
  2. Sh. Kamal Bandhu, ALO
  3. Sh. Krishan Kumar Gupta, ALO
  4. Sunil Kumar Sharma, ALO
  5. Rahul Rajput, ALO
  6. Rishabh Singh, ALO
  7. Narendra Gurjar, UDC

Regional Directorate Lucknow

Regional Director: -
Phone No : 0522-4087601, 2721915
E-mail :,
Profile & Activity :
This Office deals following Activities :
  1. Co-ordination with SPCBs and PCC
  2. Pollution Assessment, Survey & Monitoring
  3. Pollution Control Enforcement
  4. Waste Management
  5. O & M of Laboratory
  6. Data Base Management
  7. Training & Mass Awareness Activities
  8. R & D Activities
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Kamal Kumar, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. Runa Oran, Scientist 'E'
  3. Sh. A K Tripathi, Scientist 'C'
  4. Ms. Anamika Singh  , Scientist 'C'
  5. Sh. Arvind Kumar, Scientist 'C'
  6. Sh. Karnveer Singh, Scientist 'B'
  7. Sh. Muhammad Fisal, SSA
  8. Sh. R K Mishra, SSA
  9. Sh. R K Saxena, SSA
  10. Sh. B M Singh, TS
  11. Sh. Jivender Kumar Saini, AACO
  12. Sh. Rajesh Prasad Shakya, SLA
  13. Sh. Abhishek Mishra, JT
  14. Ms. Vishakha Singh JLA
  15. Sh. Vinay K Agarwal, LDC
  16. Smt. Ranjana Saxena, LDC
  17. Sh. Ashok Shukla, LDC
  18. Shri Ajeet yadav, Driver
  19. Sh. Kunwar Singh, FA
  20. Sh. Jwala Prasad, Attendent
  21. Sh. R K Pandey, Attendent
  22. Sh. Prakash Pant, Attendent

Project Office Agra

Regional Director: Sh. Ankur Tiwari (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 0562-4005877, 2421568
E-mail :,
Profile & Activity :
This Office deals following Activities :
  1. Ambient air quality monitoring at 04 locations of Agra as per direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and Execution of other projects/ directions of HO/RD(N)
  2. Co-ordination with Local SPCB’s (UP and Rajasthan), Taj Trapezium Zone Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority, IIT, NEERI, ASI, ANN, ADA and other Govt. departments working in Agra/TTZ area.
  3. Inspection & monitoring of common environmental infrastructure facilities (CETP, STPs, MSWTF, BMWTF), River, Drains, Groundwater, E-waste, Noise & special Dipawali monitoring and NAMP stations in TTZ area
  4. Strengthening, operation and maintenance of laboratory and Data Base Management
  5. Inspections, Survey & monitoring as per direction of Courts and VIP references/ Public complaints and deal with matters pertaining to parliament and parliamentary standing committee.
  6. Pollution Control Enforcementin Co-ordination with Govt. departments working in Agra/TTZ area.
  7. Assessment of the progress on implementation of Air Quality Management plans formulated by concerned SPCBs for non-attainment cities in TTZ i.e. Agra and Firozabad and inspection.
  8. Review of implementation of status of action plan of critically polluted/CEPI areas.
  9. Compilation of information and making it available under Right to Information (RTI) Act.
  10. Implementation of Rajbhasa Hindi policy as per HO/RD (N) Lucknow directions.
  11. Training to students, State board technical staff
  12. Mass Awareness Activities in Agra/TTZ.
Personnel :
  1. Vipul Kumar Singh, Scientist 'C'
  2. Adarsh Kumar, SSA
  3. Desh Samrat Gautam, TS
  4. Himmat Singh, SLA
  5. Manoj Kumar Yadv, JLA
  6. Kali Charan, FA

Regional Directorate Kolkata

Regional Director: Sh. M.K. Biswas(Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 033-24416634
E-mail :
Profile & Activity : This Office deals following Activities :
  1. Inspection and monitoring as per direction Hon’ble High Court/ NGT.
  2. Pollution Control Enforcement.
  3. Inspection and Monitoring of STP/rivers/drains and industries under National Ganga River Basin Authority. (NGRBA)
  4. Inspection & Monitoring with reference to VIP/ Public complaints.
  5. Inspection & monitoring of facilities (CETP, STPs, TSDF, CBMWTF).
  6. Surveillance of National Air & Water Quality monitoring stations.
  7. Monitoring of HW co-processing activities.
  8. Compilation of information and making it available under ‘Right to Information (RTI) Act’
  9. Co-ordination with SPCBs & PCCs
  10. Strengthening, operation and maintenance of laboratory.
  11. To deal with matters pertaining to parliament and parliamentary standing committee
  12. Implementation of OHSMSC and NABL Accreditation
  13. Review of implementation of status of action plan of critically polluted/CEPI areas.
  14. Inter-state river monitoring.
  15. Air & Noise monitoring during Deepawali Festival.
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Sandeep Roy, Scientist 'D'
  2. Sh. A K Naskar, Scientist 'C'
  3. Sh. Tofic Aslam, Scientist 'C'
  4. Smt. Tinneti Sudha, AACO
  5. Sh. Md. A Rafique, SSA
  6. Sh. Sukhendu Biswas, SSA
  7. Sh. A Kumar, SSA
  8. Sh. A K Dubey, SSA
  9. Sh. Animesh Mondal, SSA
  10. Sh. A K Varshney, AACO
  11. Sh. Chippada Jagadeesh Kumar, JT
  12. Sh. Suman Bhattacharya, Asst.
  13. Smt. Minati Bagchi, SLA
  14. Smt. Pratima Saha, SLA
  15. Sh. D Sen Gupta, SLA
  16. Sh. S N Bhattacharya, SLA
  17. Sh. A N Thakur, SLA
  18. Sh. Tapan K Mukhopadhyay, SLA
  19. Sh. Debdeep Koner, JLA
  20. Sh. Bodhisatva Mondal, JLA
  21. Smt. Chandrani Bhattacharya, DEO
  22. Sh. Syam, MTS

Regional Directorate Vadodara

Regional Director: Sh Prasoon Gargava(Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 0265-2392603
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This Office deals following Activities :
  1. Pollution Assessment (Survey & Monitoring)
  2. Pollution Control Enforcement
  3. Scientific and Technical Activities and R & D
  4. Conducting mass awareness programmes.
  5. Development and maintenance of Library in office building.
  6. Operation and maintenance of IT infrastructure & data base management.
  7. Maintenance of office cum laboratory building.
Personnel :
  1. Sh. S. Pradeep Raj, Scientist 'E'
  2. Smt. Kavita B.V, Scientist 'E'
  3. Dr. Nirpendra Semwal, Scientist 'D'
  4. Dr. Arvind Kumar Jha, Scientist 'C'
  5. Sh. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Scientist 'B'
  6. Sh. Saket Kumar, Scientist 'B'
  7. Sh. B D Pandey, SSA
  8. Sh. Ashtha H Trivedi, SSA
  9. Sh. Dharmesh J Rana, SLA
  10. Sh. Ashma Kadiwala, SLA
  11. Sh. Mayank Nimbark, JLA
  12. Sh. Vijay Sawant, Driver

Regional Directorate Bengaluru

Regional Director: Sh. J C Babu (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 080-23233827(D) 23233739
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This Office deals following Activities :
  1. Co-ordination with six SPCBs (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Goa, Tamilnadu & Telangana) and two PCCs (Puducherry & Lakshadweep) on matter concerning about prevention and control of environmental pollution, Implementation and Enforcement and capacity building for Environmental Protection related activities
  2. Monitoring status of operation of NAMP & NWMP stations and Inter - state river water quality
  3. Co-ordination of issues related with Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS) , EWQDES & EAQDES
  4. Inspections as per NGT & other Court Directions and VIP references /Public complaints
  5. Inspections of Industries under OCEMS and other directions & follow-ups
  6. Inspections and monitoring of Common facilities STP’s, MSWM’s, CETP’s, TSDF’s, HCF’s & CBMWTF’s and follow up of directions
  7. Responding to the issues raised in E-Samiksha & updating information in India E-track
  8. Monitoring of Nine Critically polluted areas (Mangaluru, Bhadravathi, Kochi, Patancheru, Vishakhapatnam, Cuddalore, Vellore, Manali & Coimbatore) and Severely Polluted areas along with MoEF&CC
  9. Strengthening of Laboratory & participation in PT tests
  10. Co-ordination with TNPCB regarding implementation of remedial measures in Kodaikanal contaminated site (mercury pollution)
  11. Supervision of remedial activities carried out by BPCL in Tondiarpet contaminated site and providing corrective measures from time to time
  12. Co-processing of Hazardous waste in Cement kilns (trial study) inspection and monitoring
Personnel :
  1. Smt. P K Selvi, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. Vivek K, Scientist 'E'
  3. Sh. S. Jeyapaul, Scientist 'D'
  4. Dr. Deepesh. V, Scientist 'D' 
  5. Sh. A. Gnanavelu, Scientist 'C'  
  6. Dr. B. S. Anupama, Scientist 'C'
  7. Sh. M Srinivasa Rao, AACO 
  8. Smt. Mary Alexender, PS 
  9. Sh. K S Rajasekar, Asst.
  10. Sh. S Seenivel Raj, SLA 
  11. Sh. S Nadarajan, JLA 

Regional Directorate Bhopal

Regional Director : Sh. P. Jagan (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 0755-2775385
E-mail :,
Profile & Activity :
This Office deals following Activities :
  1. Surveillance of Ambient Air Quality and Noise monitoring during Diwali Festival.
  2. Audit and Verification of NAMP & NWMP stations in the Central Region.
  3. Co-ordination of activities and review of action plans under NCAP, PRS, CEPI, Contaminated sites.
  4. Analysis of Air, Water and soil samples for the required parameters, as per the E(P)A requirement.
  5. Random monitoring of STPs and data compilation on status of Hazardous waste, MSW, Plastic Waste, E-waste, Biomedical waste, vehicular pollution and batteries in coordination with SPCBs in Central Zone
  6. To perform inspections under SMS alert, Public/ VIP complaints, Legal matters, Rule 9and other surprise inspections.
  7. Verification of Laboratories for recognition as Environmental Laboratory under E(P)A Act, 1986.
  8. Mass awareness activities on WED, Ozone Day, SUP Ban, Mission Life etc.
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Sunil Kumar Meena, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. Milind Kumar Nimje, Scientist 'C'
  3. Dr. Yogendra Kumar Saxena, Scientist 'C'
  4. Dr. Ranu Chouksey Verma, Scientist 'C'
  5. Dr. Anoop Chaturvedi, Scientist 'C'
  6. Sh. Praveen Kumar Jain, Scientist 'C'
  7. Dr. Poulami C Patil, Scientist 'B'
  8. Sh. Sanjay Kumar Mukati, Scientist 'B'
  9. Sh. S D Bokde, Section Officer
  10. Dr. Sonal Wankhede, RA III
  11. Smt. Rashmi Thakur, SSA
  12. Sh. Rameshwar Bandewar, SSA
  13. Sh. Sunil Kolhatkar, SSA
  14. Sh. Rajeev Sharma, TS
  15. Sh. Jagjeevan Ram, JLA
  16. Smt. Alfa Monika Lakra, JLA
  17. Smt. Farzana khan, DEO
  18. Sh. Shiv Shankar Shukla, Hindi Typist
  19. Sh. Prahlad Baghel, LDC
  20. Sh. Surendra Kumar Bhatia, MTS
  21. Sh. Suresh Choudhary, MTS
  22. Sh. Salamuddin, Driver
  23. Sh. Suresh Kumar Chouhan, Driver

Regional Directorate Shillong

Regional Director Sh. M K Choudhury (Scientist 'F')
Phone No : 0364-2522859
E-mail :,
Profile & Activity :
This Office deals following Activities :
  1. Co-ordination with Eight SPCBs (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim & Tripura) with regard to prevention and control of environmental pollution and, capacity building thereof for enforcement of various environmental Acts/ Rules including six Waste Management Rules, 2016 in the Northeast Region.
  2. Provide technical assistance and guidance to SPCBs to carry out surveillance, monitoring, laboratory and research activities relating to pollution control and abatement programs.
  3. Monitoring the operation of NAMP & NWMP Stations including inter-state boundary rivers and stretches of Critically polluted water bodies.
  4. Co-ordination of issues relating to CAAQMS, EWQDES & EAQDES with states & Head Office.
  5. Co-Ordination with SPCBs for implementation of Action Plan under NCAP and SUP/EPR for effective implementation of PWM Rules.
  6. Follow up of CPCB’s Directions issued to SPCBs/ Industries under EP Acts for compliance of pollution control norms.
  7. Attending VIP Complaints, Public Complaints, Parliamentary references and providing information under RTI Act, 2005; and follow up with states for early disposal.
  8. Co-ordination with SPCBs for compliance of Hon’ble NGT orders and other Courts.
  9. Inspection to STPs, MSW management sites, CETPs, HCFs and CBWTFs including Arm-forces Hospitals.
  10. Carry out R&D projects to address state /Regional specific issues.
  11. Strengthening of Laboratory and participation in proficiency Tests (PT).
  12. Participation in Mass- Awareness Programs and observance/ Celebration of National Events like Republic Day, Independence Day, World Environment Day, Swachchata week, etc.
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Anil C. Ranveer, Scientist ‘E’
  2. Dr. Gyan Prakash Singh, Scientist 'D'
  3. Sh. Arnab Mandal, Scientist 'B'
  4. Sh. Rakesh Basumatary, SSA
  5. Sh. Anand Kumar Ngangom, SSA
  6. Sh. F. Lyngrah, Section Officer
  7. Sh. S.K. M. Mihsill, SLA
  8. Sh. Ratan Mutyent, SLA
  9. Sh. Bishal Ghosh, SLA

Regional Directorate Chennai

Regional Director: Smt. H. D. Varalaxmi (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 044 2999 8683(D), 044 2956 7019 (reception)
E-mail : , ,
Profile & Activity :
This office deals following Activities :
  1. Co-ordination with three SPCBs (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu & Telangana States) and one PPC (Puducherry UT) with regard to prevention and control of environmental pollution and, capacity building thereof for enforcement of various environmental Acts/Rules including six Waste Management Rules, 2016 in the South-eastern Region.
  2. Providing technical assistance and guidance to SPCBs/PCC to carry out surveillance, monitoring, laboratory and research activities relating to pollution control and abatement programs.
  3. Audit and Verification of National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) Stations & National Water Quality monitoring Programme (NWMP) Stations. Surveillance of Ambient Air Quality and Noise monitoring during Diwali Festival.
  4. Co-ordination with SPCBs/PCC for issues relating to CAAQMS, EWQDES & EAQDES.
  5. Co-ordination and review of action plans under NCAP, PRS, CEPI, Contaminated sites.
  6. Environmental Surveillance (Inspection and Monitoring) of 17 Categories of High Pollution Potential Industries & Common Environmental Infrastructure Facilities based on Online Continuous Effluent/Emission Monitoring System (OCEMS) data and follow-up of directions for compliance verifications.
  7. Pollution Assessment (Survey & Monitoring) of Common Environmental Infrastructure Facilities viz. STP, MSWM, CETP, CHWTSDF, HCF, TSDF & BMWTF and follow up of directions for compliance verifications.
  8. Attending VIP reference complaints, Public Complaints, Parliamentary references and providing information under RTI Act, 2005; and follow up with SPCBs/PCC.
  9. Inspections under Hon’ble NGT & other Hon’ble Court Directions, Filing of Reply Affidavits to Hon’ble NGT/ Hon’ble High Courts of AP, TN & TG States.
  10. Development & establish of Environmental Laboratory.
  11. Scientific and Technical Activities as per approved Annual Action Plan.
  12. Carry out R&D projects to address state /Regional specific issues.
  13. Organizing & participation in Mass-awareness Programs such as World Environment Day, Ozone Day, SUP Ban, Mission Life etc. and observance/ Celebration of National Events like Republic Day, Independence Day, Swachhata week, etc.
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Rajkumar R , Scientist 'E'
  2. Smt. Soumya D, Scientist 'E'
  3. Smt. Poornima B. M., Scientist 'D'
  4. Ms. Kokila M, Scientist ‘B’
  5. Smt. Budigi Reddy Soni, Scientist ‘B’
  6. Sh. Prabhu H Ganchi, Scientist ‘B’
  7. Sh. K. Karunagaran, STS
  8. Sh. T. Raghavendra Rao, ALO
  9. Sh. Sidda Sailu, SSA
  10. Ms. Cristeena Devassia, JLA
  11. Sh. Viswanathan P, Field Attendant

Regional Directorate Chandigarh

Regional Director: -
Phone No : +91-7840015561
E-mail : -
Profile & Activity :
This office deals following Activities :
  1. Pollution Assessment, Survey & Monitoring
  2. Pollution Control Enforcement
  3. R & D Activities
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Narender Sharma, Scientist 'F'

Regional Directorate Pune

Regional Director: Sh. Pratik D Bharne (Scientist 'E')
Phone No : 020-29912772 & 020-29912773
E-mail :,
Profile & Activity :
This office deals following Activities :
  1. Co-ordination with Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) in the matters/activities related to Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution, Implementation, Enforcement and Capacity Building for Environmental Protection.
  2. Co-ordination with MPCB for issues/data related with Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS), Environmental Water Quality Data Entry System (EWQDES) & Environmental Air Quality Data Entry System (EAQDES). Surveillance of Ambient Air Quality and Noise monitoring during Diwali Festival.
  3. Assessment of operation of National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) Stations & National Water Quality monitoring Programme (NWMP) Stations including stations identified as Polluted River Stretches (PRS).
  4. Monitoring of Inter-State River Water Quality Stations.
  5. Co-ordination, Assessment & verification of the implementation of City Action Plans of Million Plus Cities and Non-Attainment Cities under National Clean Air Program (NCAP).
  6. Environmental Surveillance (Inspection and Monitoring) of 17 Categories of High Pollution Potential Industries & Common Environmental Infrastructure Facilities based on Online Continuous Effluent/Emission Monitoring System (OCEMS) data and follow-up of directions for compliance verifications.
  7. `Pollution Assessment (Survey & Monitoring), Pollution Control Enforcement of Common Environmental Infrastructure Facilities viz. STP, MSWM, CETP, CHWTSDF, HCF & BMWTF and follow up of directions for compliance verifications.
  8. Co-ordination with MPCB and data compilation on status of Hazardous Waste, Municipal Solid Waste, Plastic Waste, Construction & Demolition Waste, E-Waste, Biomedical Waste.
  9. Assessment of Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI), Co-ordination with MPCB for Critically Polluted Areas (CPAs) and Severely Polluted Areas (SPAs)
  10. Inspections under Hon’ble NGT & other Hon’ble Court Directions, working as Member Convener/Committee Members for various matter as per directions of Hon’ble NGT, Filing of Reply Affidavits to Hon’ble NGT/ Hon’ble High Court of Bombay Public complaints including VIP references.
  11. Strengthening, Development, Operation and Maintenance of Laboratory.
  12. Scientific and Technical Activities as per approved Annual Action Plan.
  13. Conducting Mass Awareness Programmes, World Environment Day etc.
  14. Responding to the issues raised in E-Samiksha & updating information in India E-track.
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Shashikant Lokhande, Scientist ‘E’
  2. Ms. Sushmita Ekka, Scientist ‘E’
  3. Sh. Nishchal C., Scientist ‘E’
  4. Sh. Tapas Ukil, Scientist ‘B’
  5. Sh. Sharat Bharti, Jr. Technician
  6. Sh. Abhishek Mourya, LDC

Material Division

Divisional Head : Smt. Meena Sharma (AO)
Phone No : 011-43102243
E-mail :
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Pankaj Tripathi, SO
  2. Sh. Prashant Sharma, Asst.
  3. Sh. Ganga Singh, Asst.
  4. Sh. Pankaj Kumar, Asst.
  5. Sh. Akhil Sharma, UDC
  6. Ms. Mansi Bisht, UDC
  7. Sh. Sant Ram, LDC

Admin. Coordination Division

Divisional Head : Smt. Rekha Narang ( AO )
Phone No : 011-43102267
E-mail :
Personnel :
  1. Sh. Surajmal, DS
  2. Sh. Manjeet, LDC

Building Division

Divisional Head : Dinbandhu Gouda(Scientist "E")
Phone No : 011- 43102420
E-mail :
Profile & Activity :
This division deals followingActivities :
  1. Office Maintenance
  2. Vehicle Maintenance
  3. Security
  4. Estate
Personnel :
  1. Sh. S.K. Sharma, Scientist 'E'
  2. Sh. Rakesh Kumar Ahuja, STS
  3. Sh. R. S. Rai, TS
  4. Sh. Sanmukh K. Mishra, TS
  5. Sh. Upender Kumar, TS
  6. Sh. Krishan Kumar, TS
  7. Sh. Rajendra Singh, Asst.
  8. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, Asst.
  9. Sh. Vishnu Dutt Waila , P & WV Operator
  10. Sh. Dayal Chand, Driver
  11. Sh. Harish Singh Shahi, Driver
  12. Sh. Madan Singh, Driver
  13. Sh. Ravi Kumar, Driver
  14. Sh. Ravi Kant, Driver
  15. Sh. Siri Bhagwan, Driver
  16. Sh. Dinesh Joshi, Driver
  17. Sh. Parmeshwar Lal, Driver
  18. Sh. Surendra Shikawat, Driver

Finance & Accounts Division

Divisional Head: Sh. D. Kalita ( Account Officer )
Phone No : 011- 43102223
E-mail :
Personnel :
  • Sh. Vipin Goel, ACO
  • Sh. Vijay Bansal, ACO
  • Sh. Kamal Kumar, AACO
  • Sh. Deepak Kumar, AACO
  • Sh. Md. Aamir, Acc. Asst.
  • Sh. Manoj Kumar Upadhyay, MTS
  • Hindi Division

    Divisional Head: Sh. Sanghmitter, AO
    Phone No : 011- 43102248
    E-mail :
    Personnel :
    1. Sh. Avdhesh Tiwari, AD(OL)
    2. Smt. Parul Rathi, Sr. Translator
    3. Sh. Shainlendra Choudhary, Asst.


    Divisional Head: Sh. Sharandeep Singh (Scientist 'E')
    Phone No : 011- 43102258
    E-mail :
    Profile & Activity :
    This division deals following Activities :
    1. Purchasing of books, Newspapers and Magazine, etc.
    2. Information Services (Reference Work)
    3. Circulation – issue/return of borrowed books
    4. Library Automaton
    5. Document Delivery (Information Dissemination)

    Admin Pers.& Rect. Division

    Divisional Head : Sh. Ashok Kashyap, (Sr. AO)
    Personnel (Admin.R) :
    1. Sh. Rameshwar, AO
    2. Smt. Komal Saini, AO
    3. Sh. Vikas Rawat, Asst.
    4. Sh. Amit Yadav, Asst.
    5. Ms. Anubhuti Chawla, LDC
    6. Sh. Mahesh, Attendent
    Personnel (Admin. P):
    1. Sh. I J Kakkar, SO
    2. Sh. Gopi P. Nair, SO
    3. Sh. Kundan Kumar, SO
    4. Sh. Girish Ratan Bhardwaj, SO
    5. Smt. Meenakshi Rudra, Asst.
    6. Sh. Sushma Dutta, DEO
    7. Sh. Pushkar S, Attendent

    Admin Recruitment Division

    Divisional Head: Sh. Rameshwar (AO)
    Phone No : 011- 43102266
    E-mail :
    1. Smt. Komal Saini, AO
    2. Sh. Vikas Rawat, Asst.
    3. Sh. Amit Yadav, Asst.
    4. Ms. Anubhuti Chawla, LDC
    5. Sh. Mahesh, MTS

    Admin Personnel Division

    Divisional Head: Smt. Madhu Luthra (AO)
    Phone No : 011- 43102246
    E-mail :
    1. Sh. I J Kakkar, SO
    2. Sh. Gopi P. Nair, SO
    3. Sh. Kundan Kumar, SO
    4. Sh. Girish Ratan Bhardwaj, SO
    5. Smt. Meenakshi Rudra, Asst.
    6. Shri Tara Chand, UDC
    7. Shri Vivekanand, DEO
    8. Sh. Sushma Dutta, DEO
    9. Sh. Pushkar S, Attendent
    10. Shri Satish Kumar, MTS
    Organizational StructureUpdated On : 22 Jul 2022

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