Orders of Hon'ble National Green Tribunal in the matter of (O.A. No. 804/2017 & M. A. No. 1302/2018)

Consequent to transfer of Sh. Bharat K. Sharma as Regional Director for the new Regional Directorate opened in Pune vide office order NO. C-22017/02/2011/Admin(P)/568 dated 20th June 2019 and appointment of SH. Abhey Singh Soni as Nodal officer and Member Convener. Monitoring Committee has been reconstituted vide office order dated 01.07.2019, composition of which is given below:

i. Dr. Ajay Deshpande, former expert member, NGT Chairman
ii. Dr. A. N. Vaidya, Chief Scientist &Head, Solid and HWM Division, NEERI, Nagpur
iii. Dr. D. C. Sharma, Prof., Department of Civil Engg., Raja Rajeswari Group of Institution, Bangalore
iv. Dr. A. Manoharan, Former Senior Scientist, CPCB,
v. Member Secretary, Gujarat PCB
vi. Dr. Sonu Singh, Sc D., HSM Division, MoEF&CC
vii. Sh. Abhey Singh Soni, Sc. E & Head Waste Management-II, CPCB, Nodal Officer & Member Convener

The Monitoring committee has:

  1. held meetings (on Aug 24, 2018; Sept. 24-25, 2018; Oct. 25-26, 2018; December 11, 2018 and January 07-09, 2019).
  2. conducted field visits in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Aurangabad, Vadodara and Bhiwadi.
  3. Interacted with Customs officials at JNPT, Mumbai, on 15/10/2018.
  4. Interacted through Video Conference with all SPCBs/PCCs on 25/10/2018.
  5. Interacted with TSDF operators and Co-processors/Pre-processors on 25/10/2018.
  6. Interacted with Sh. Rajiv Narayan, applicant in the said matter on 25/10/2018.
  7. Interacted with Sh. Sanjay Parikh, Learned Counsel in the matter of M.A. No. 1302/2018 in Interlocutory Application No. 63 in W.P. (C) No. 657/1995 on January 08, 2019.
  8. Interacted with Director General, Factory Advisory Services and Labour Institute (DGFALSI), Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Custom Authority (Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs) and Ministry of Shipping on January 09, 2019.
  9. Submitted First interim report of the Monitoring Committee to deal with the urgent issues-Enforcement of provisions of the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, in Solvent Recovery Units, which has been submitted to the Hon'ble Tribunal
  10. Submitted Interim Report of Monitoring Committee on Management of Hazardous Waste (in the matter of O. A. No. 804/2017 and M. A. No. 1302/2018)
  11. Interacted with Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs, Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Director General, Factory Advisory Services and Labour Institute (DGFALSI), Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) and Director General of Shipping (DGS) to deliberate on the issues & concerns in the matter of M.A no. 1302/2018 in Interlocutory Application No. 63 in W.P. (C) No. 657/1995 in the meetings held during April 21-23rd , May 16thand June 10th , 2019.
  12. Final Report of Monitoring Committee on Management of Hazardous Waste (in the matter of O. A. No. 804/2017 and M. A. No. 1302/2018)
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