Final Result for engagement to the posts of Consultants ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’
on contractual basis under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)(Advt. No.Advt. No.03/2023/NCAP-ADMIN(R))
- Final Result for the post of Scientist B in CPCB (Advt. No.02/2022-Admin(R) dated 24-30 December 2022)
- Final Result for the post of DEO Gr-II (after Skill test) in CPCB (Advt. No.02/2022-Admin(R) dated 24-30 December 2022)
- Interviews for engagement to the post of Consultants – A, B & C on contractual basis under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) – reg.
- Final Result for the post of UDC (after Skill test) in CPCB (Advt. No.02/2022-Admin(R) dated 24-30 December 2022)
- Final Result for the post of LDC (after Skill test) in CPCB (Advt. No.02/2022-Admin(R) dated 24-30 December 2022)
- Final Result for the post of Assistant (after Skill test) in CPCB (Advt. No.02/2022-Admin(R) dated 24-30 December 2022)
- Result for engagement to the post of Consultant ‘B’ (Finance) on contractual basis under NCAP
- Interview schedule for engagement to the post of Consultant – B (Finance) on contractual basis under NCAP
- Result of the posts of Consultant ‘A’ and Consultant ‘B’ on contractual basis under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)
- Skill test for the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) in CPCB
- Skill test for the post of Upper Division Clerk (UDC)in CPCB
- Skill test for the post of Data Entry Operator Grade II in CPCB
- Skill test for the post of Assistant in CPCB
- Result for the post of Field Attendant (FA) in CPCB
- Result for the post of Scientist B in CPCB
- Interviews for engagement to the post of Consultants – A & B on contractual basis under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) – reg.
- Result for the post of Junior Laboratory Assistant (JLA) in CPCB
- Result for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (SSA) in CPCB
- Addendum to the Result declared for the post of Sr. Laboratory Assistant in CPCB
- Result for the post of Accounts Assistant in CPCB
- Result for the post of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) in CPCB
- Result for the post of Junior Technician in CPCB
- Result for the post of Sr. Laboratory Assistant in CPCB
- Result for the post of Technical Supervisor in CPCB
- Result of Online Tests for Recruitment to the posts of Assistant Law Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer in CPCB
- IMPORTANT NOTICE-IX dated 30.06.2023 regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R)
- Marks obtained by the candidates in the respective posts (excluding Scientist B) in the Written Examination Vide Advertisement No: Advt. No.02/2022
- Marks obtained by the candidates in the Written Examination of the Post of Scientist B vide Advertisement No: Advt. No.02/2022
- IMPORTANT NOTICE-VIII regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R)
- IMPORTANT NOTICE-VII regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R) (Regarding time of publishing of Answer Key...)
- IMPORTANT NOTICE-VI regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R)
- Download Admit Card for Written Exam regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R)
- IMPORTANT NOTICE-V regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R)
- IMPORTANT NOTICE-IV regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R)
- IMPORTANT NOTICE-III regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R)
- IMPORTANT NOTICE-II regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R)
- Revised Syllabus for different posts advertised vide Advt. No. 02/2022 Admin (R) (Uploaded on 23.03.2023)
- IMPORTANT NOTICE-I regarding Advt. No. 02/2022-Admin.(R)
- Syllabus for different posts advertised vide Advt. No. 02/2022 Admin (R) (Uploaded on 06.03.2023)
- Result of Virtual Interview for engagement of the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on contractual basis in CPCB RD Chennai held on 12.11.2022
- Virtual Interview for engagement of the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on contractual basis in CPCB RD Chennai (to be held on 12.11.2022)
- Final result for engagement of Consultants under NCAP (Advt. No. 01/NCAP/2022-Admn. (R)) dated 23.05.2022
- Mark List of candidates called for interview on 23.02.2022 and 24.02.2022 for the post of Scientist B in CPCB (Advt. no. 02/2020 - Admin.R dated - 30.04.2020)
- Final Result of the recruitment to the post of Senior Technician (Now Technical Supervisor) in CPCB (Advt. no. 02/2020 - Admin.R dated - 30.04.2020)
- Final Result of the recruitment to the 13 posts of Scientist B in CPCB (Advt. no. 02/2020 - Admin.R dated - 30.04.2020)
- Result of Online test held on 11.09.2021 for the post of Scientist B in CPCB (Advt. no. 02/2020 - Admin.R dated - 30.04.2020)
- Normalized Marks of Online Test for the post of Scientist B in CPCB (Advt. no. 02/2020 - Admin.R dated - 30.04.2020)
- Declaration of Result for the post of Consultants on contractual basis under NCAP (Advt. no. - 03/NCAP/2020-Admin.R) dated 12.11.2020
- Virtual Interviews for engagement of Consultants under NCAP (Advt. no. - 03/NCAP/2020-Admin.R) dated 12.11.2020)
- Declaration of Result for the post of LDC in CPCB (Advt. no. - 02/2020-Admin.R) dated 23.04.2020)
- Typing test for the post of Lower Division Clerk in CPCB, Delhi on Dec. 19, 2021.
- Result for various post in CPCB for Advt. No.02/2020-Admin(R) dated 30th April 2020
- Important Notice VII regarding marks obtained in Examinations for Advt. No. 02/2020-Admin R
- Important Notice VI regarding Online Examinations for various posts for Advt. No. 02/2020-Admin R
- Notice regarding schedule of Online Examinations for various posts (Advt.No.02/2020-Admin.(R))
- Extension Notice for Online Written Examination Registration link(Advt.No.02/2020-Admin.(R))
- Notice for Online Written Examination (Advt.No.02/2020-Admin.(R))
- Postponement of recruitment examinations for various posts in CPCB on Direct recruitment basis (Advt.No.02/2020-Admin.(R))/
- Important Notice regarding recruitment to various posts in CPCB on Direct recruitment basis (Advt.No.02/2020-Admin.(R))/
- Virtual interview for recruitment to the 01 post of Senior Law Offcier on Deputation basis in CPCB on 22.01.2021 -(Advt.No.04/Dep./2020-Admin.(R))/
- Declaration of Result fot the post of Consultants on contract basis for Research & Development activities in CPCB (Advt. dated 23.04.2020)
- Virtual Interview for Engagement of Consultants on contract basis for Research & Development activities in CPCB on 15.10.2020 (Advt. dated 23.04.2020)
Revised Syllabus for the post of Scientist B and JSA (Advt. No. 02/2020 Admin (R) ) (Supplementary Information dated 18.12.2020)
- Syllabus for different posts advertised vide (Advt. No. 02/2020 Admin (R) ) (Uploaded on 26.06.2020)
- Declaration of Result of RA and consultantsunder NCAP project (Advt. no. - 01/NCAP/2019/Admin.(R), dated 06.07.2019)
- Cancellation of Recruitment process for the post of Sc. D, Sc. E & Sc. F under SER Project (Advt. no. - 01/2018/Namami Gange/SER, dated 01.02.2018)
- Advt. for different posts in CPCB on Deputation basis (Advt. no. 01/Dep./2020-Admin.R) (CORRIGENDUM FOR WITHDRAWN)
- Postponement of Interviews for the post of Consultants and Research Associates in CPCB under NCAP Project (Advt. no. 01/NCAP/2019/Admn.(R) Dated: 05th July, 2019). Now Interviews will be held on 14.02.2020 & 15.02.2020
- Interview for the post of Consultants and Research Associates in CPCB under NCAP Project (Advt. no. 01/NCAP/2019/Admn.(R) Dated: 05th July, 2019) to be held on 01.02.2020 & 02.02.2020 (Postponed : Please check above link)
- Final Result for the post of JRF
(Interview held on 22-23 June, 2019)
- Final Result and Marklist of Typing test for the one post of Assistant to be held on 15.06.2019, 10.30 AM (Advt. no. 05/2018 - Admin.R dated 29 Sept-05 Oct, 2018)
- Reschedule of Typing test for the one post of Assistant to be held on 15.06.2019, 10.30 AM (Advt. no. 05/2018 - Admin.R dated 29 Sept-05 Oct, 2018)
- Walk in Interview for various JRF posts in CPCB on Contractual basis dated 23.04.2019 (Interview date - 03.05.2019) has been postponed
- Result of written test (with Skill test schedule) held on 24.02.2019 for the post of Assistant (Advt. no. 05/2018 - Admin.R dated 29 Sept-05 Oct, 2018)
- Modification in result of RA-I, II, III, SRF and JRF for Interview held on 07 and 08 March,2019 for CPCB, Kolkata & interview held on 08 and 09 March,2019 for CPCB, Lucknow
- Declaration of Result for the post of Driver (Ordinary grade) (Advt. no. 01/2018 - Admin.R dated 24-30 March, 2018)
- Result of Interview for the post of RA-I, II, III, SRF and JRF for Interview held on 07 and 08 March,2019 for CPCB, Kolkatta
- Result of Interview for the post of RA-I, II, III, SRF and JRF for Interview held on 08 and 09 March,2019 for CPCB, Lucknow
- Final Result after the written test for the post of Accounts Assistant
- Marks list of candidates of the written test, held on 24.02.2019 for the post of Accounts Assistant
- Marklist of Candidates appeared for Interview (held on 06.02.2019, 07.02.2019 & 08.02.2019) for the post of Scientist 'B'
- Final Result of Interview for the post of Scientist 'B', RA-I, II, III amd SRF for which Interview held on 13.02.2019, 14.02.2019 & 15.02.2019
- Final Result of the written test for the post of Scientist 'B', for which Interview held on 06.02.2019, 07.02.2019 & 08.02.2019
- Final Result of the written test for the post of Assistant Director (OL)
- Marks list of candidates of the written test, held on 30.12.2018 for the post of Assistant Director (OL)
- Driving test for the post of Driver (ordinary grade) to be held on 08.03.2019, for which written test held on 30.12.2018
- Written test for the post of Account Assistant to be held on 24.02.2019 (Advt. no. 05/2018-Admn.(R))
- Written test for the post of Assistant to be held on 24.02.2019 (Advt. no. 05/2018-Admn.(R))
- Syllabus of written test for the post of Assistant (Advt. no. 05/2018-Admn.(R)
- Syllabus of written test for the post of Account Assistant (Advt. no. 05/2018-Admn.(R)
- Result of Written test (held on 08.09.2018) for the post of Scientist B (Advt. no. 01/2017-Admn.(R), dated 18-24 November, 2017)
- Marks list of written test (held on 08.09.2018) for the post of Scientist B (Advt. no. 01/2017-Admn.(R), dated 18-24 November, 2017))
- Final Result for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (SSA) (Advt. no. 01/2017-Admn.(R), dated 18-24 November, 2017)
- Syllabus of written test for the post of Assistant Director (Official Language) to be held on 30.12.2018 (Advt. no. 01/2018-Admn.(R), dated 24-30 March, 2018)
- Written test for the post of Driver (Ordinary grade) to be held on 30.12.2018 (Advt. no. 01/2018-Admn.(R), dated 24-30 March, 2018)
- Written test for the post of Assistant Director (Official Language) to be held on 30.12.2018 (Advt. no. 01/2018-Admn.(R), dated 24-30 March, 2018)
- Final Result of skill test for the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), skill test held on 29.09.2018 (Advt. no. 01/2017-Admn.(R))
- List of eligible candidates for skill test the post of LDC for which written test held on 10.06.2018 (Advt. no. 01/2017-Admn.(R))
- Final result to the post of Assistant Law Officer (OBC)on DR basis (Advt. no. 01/2017-Admn.(R))
- Written test for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Advt. no. 01/2017-Admn.(R)) to be held on 08.09.2018(AN)
- Written test for the post of Scientist B (Advt. no. 01/2017-Admn.(R)) to be held on 08.09.2018 (FN)
- Cancellation of Recruitment process for the post of Assistant Legal (R.D.Bho./Admn./Legal Asst./2017/369, dated 24.05.2018)
- Result of Interview for the post of Assistant Legal (Interview held on 09.06.2018)
- Result of Written test for the post of JLA ( Written test held on 08.07.2018)
- Result of Interview for the post of JRF & SRF (Interview held on 07.04.2018)
- List of Eligible candidates for Written test for the post of JLA in CPCB to be held on 08.07.2018 (Advt. No. 01/2018-Admn.(R))
- List of Eligible candidates for Written test for the three post of LDC in CPCB to be held on 10.06.2018 (Advt. No. 01/2017-Admn.(R))
- List of Eligible candidates for Written test for the one post of ALO in CPCB to be held on 10.06.2018(Advt. No. 01/2017-Admn.(R))
- Revised Syllabus for Scientist 'B' (For Chemical, Civil & Environmental Engg.) (updated on 10.05.2018)
- Result of Written test for the post of Field Attendent (written test held on 18.03.2018)
- Syllabus for Scientist 'B'
- Syllabus for Sr. Scientific Assistant
- Syllabus for Assistant Law Officer
- Syllabus for Lower Division Clerk
- Syllabus for Junior Lab. Assistant
- Result of Interview for the 01 posts of Section Officer on Deputation Basis in CPCB, for which Interview held on 09.03.2018
- Postponement of Interview to the 01 posts of Section Officer on Deputation Basis in CPCB
- Written Examination for the post of Field Attendent (Advt. No. 01/2017-Admn.(R)) in CPCB, Delhi will be held on 18.03.2018
- syllabus for the Written Examination for the post of Field Attendent (Advt. No. 01/2017-Admn.(R)) in CPCB, Delhi
- Notice regarding no suitable Candidate found for the deputation post (Advt. No. 01/2017-Admn.(R)) in CPCB, Delhi
- Interview for the post of Section Officer on Deputation Basis to be held on 06.03.2018 at 11.00 AM in CPCB, Delhi
- Final Result for the post of Sc."B" under SER Project under NGRBA Programme for which interview was held on 20.12.2017 at CPCB, Delhi
- Postponement of Interview to the 05 posts of Scientist 'B' under NGRBA Programme
- Cancellation of Recruitment process for various posts in CPCB, dated 29.11.2017
- Interview for the post of Sc."B" under NGRBA Programme to be held on 11.12.2017 at 11.00 AM in CPCB, Delhi
- Final Result of interview held on 21.10.2017 for the post of Taxonomist, Office Assistant, Account Assistant and Field Assistant under NGRBA Programme in CPCB
- Result for the post of Assistant for which written test held on 24.06.2017 and typing test on 23.09.2017
- Interview for the post of Field Assistant on Contractual basis under NGRBA Programme to be held on 21.10.2017 at 1.00 PM at CPCB Delhi
- Interview for the post of Office Assistant on Contractual basis under NGRBA Programme to be held on 21.10.2017 at 10.00 AM at CPCB Delhi
- Interview for the post of Account Assistant on Contractual basis under NGRBA Programme to be held on 21.10.2017 at 10.00 AM at CPCB Delhi
- Interview for the post of Taxonomist on Contractual basis under NGRBA Programme to be held on 21.10.2017 at 10.00 AM at CPCB Delhi
- Final Result of written test for the post of Junior Lab Assistant (JLA) for which written test held on 09.04.2017
- Typing test for the two (2) post of Assistant (01-UR & 01-OBC) to be held on 23.09.2017 at 10.00 AM at CPCB Delhi
- Result of Written test for the post of Assistant Account Officer (UR) in CPCB, Delhi
- Result of interview for the post of Sc."B" (01 SC & 01 ST) for which interview held on 21.08.2017 in CPCB, Delhi
- Result of Skill test/Typing test for the post of DEO under NGRBA Programme for which Typing test held on 19 August, 2017 in CPCB, Delhi
- Result of interview for the post of RA-I for which interview held on 28 June & 29 June 2017 in CPCB, Delhi