Key Functions of NGRBA
Key Functions of NGRBA are as follows.
- The NGRBA would be responsible for addressing the problem of pollution in Ganga in a holistic and comprehensive manner. This will include water quality, minimum ecological flows, sustainable access and other issues relevant to river ecology and management.
- The NGRBA will not only be regulatory body but will also have developmental role in terms of planning & monitoring of the river conservation activities and ensuring that necessary resources are available.
- The NRGBA would work for maintaining the water quality of the river Ganga uptoacceptable standards. The pollution abetment activities will be taken through the existing implementation mechanisms in the State and also through special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs0 at the pollution hotspots.
- The NGRBA will ensure minimum ecological flow in the Ganga by regulating water abstraction and by promoting water storage projects.
- The NGRBA will plan and monitor programmes for cleaning of Ganga and its tributaries. To being with, it will concentrate on Ganga main stream.
- The NGRBA would draw upon professional expertise within and outside the Government for advice on techno-economic issues.
- The technical and administrative support & for advice on techno-economic issues to NGRBA shall be provided by the Ministry of Environment